Rain Won't Go Away

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Andy's P.O.V

I sat on the couch after breakfast and decided to stay in today. It had just started to rain and I felt like sitting on the couch in my pajamas and just watching TV. Crow seemed to catch my drift and curled up against my side.

I placed a hand on his head and started to stroke the spot behind his cute little ears. He purred in response as I clicked away on the TV. There was a random crime show on so I decided to watch it. I placed the remote between my body and the couch and got comfy.

My mind couldn't help but wander to think what Ashley could be doing at the moment. A smile appeared on my face at the pure thought of his name. When Roger told us that his son would be coming over to visit, I never thought that he would be the guy I would first fall in love with it.

Yeah, I said it. Fall in love.

I have started feeling like this is more than just a crush. And I'm not good at expressing my feelings, not even to myslef, so I don't know how to put it into words. All I know is that whenever I see him or even think of him, there's a feeling in my chest.

It feels all warm and I have to stifle screams whenever it spreads. It's like a seizure waiting to surface. Like if I let all my feelings for him show, I'll jump and scream and squeeze my eyes in pure happiness.

It's weird. It's a really weird feeling that I don't really know how to explain. But all I know is that it hurts. And I like it.

Ashley's P.O.V

I hate it. I hate this. I hate it so much.

I stared up at the sky and felt my nostrils flare. "Fuck you rain! Fuck you so much!"

I hugged my arms tighter around myself as I kept walking down the street. Yep, this was the street. Snow street it was, and it has been Snow street for twenty fucking minutes.

My boots splashed around the puddles as the rain kept pouring down. The fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt didn't help my situation at all and frankly I was giving up. My hand went to my back pocket once again and hovered over my phone tentatively.

Should I or should I not call Andy? He could help me out of this situation, take me home and all. But at the same time I wouldn't know how to explain. Plus, how could I tell him about my location? I literally don't even know where I am!

I stopped once again in the middle of the sidewalk. A couple deep breaths later I kept walking in the same direction down the street. I knew it was this street alright, that I knew. And something was something.

I shook my head in an attempt to free my hair from the rain but obviously that didn't help at all. I clenched my teeth. Way to fucking go Ashley. Hook up with a drunk blond at a bar, sure why not? It'll get you to stop thinking about Andy, right?

Well, no. Wrong Ash, you were wrong. All that brilliant plan did was get you lost in the pouring rain of Ohio with a stupid feeling of regret in your stomach. All of that and Andy was still in your head.

Why? Well, who the fuck knows. I sure don't.
*time lapse to about half an hour later*

"I hate everything. Yes even puppies, I fucking hate them. I said it. I'm a cat person." I said out loud. Yeah that was it, I had finally lost it all.

The only thing I had was my sanity and now that was leaving me too. It hadn't stopped raining by the way. It was still pouring down on me. Still pouring and I was still lost in this fucking city.

Snow street was legit probably the longest street I had ever walked on. I've been walking on it for about an hour and I can't even see dad's house!

I huffed a breath out of my nose and reached for my phone. That was it. I, Ashley Purdy, am a quitter.

I looked across the street as I started to click on Andy's contact number when I finally saw it. Dad's house was just there, right in front of me.

I clicked the screen of my phone off and stuffed it in my back pocket. I didn't even check for cars, I just ran across the street for the house. As soon as I got there I opened the door and got into the warm place.

Without even thinking, I ran up the stairs and started peeling my clothes off in the bathroom. I needed a hot shower and I needed it now.

That'll teach you not to try and break Andley up! Admit it, you try to break the OTP, you end up lost in the rain. It's all kind of logical, Ash.

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