Meet and Greet

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Ashley's P.O.V

Dad parked his car in the driveway of his house and turned the engine off. The house was nice. It looked big and spacious even from the outside.

I got out of the car and with the help of my dad fished out my luggage from the trunk. We rolled them up to the entrance and Amy opened the fron door with her keys.

When we came into the house, the livingroom was empty.

"Andy?" Amy called into the house.

"Collin?" Dad called after her. There was no answer.

"Ashley!" Collin said coming out of an entrance unexpectedly. He walked over to the door and embraced me in a tight hug. "We were just hanging out in the kitchen. How have you been?"

"I've been fine uncle Collin, thanks." He let me go and I dusted my self off. Talk about being clingy.

"Oh Ashley, this is my son, Andy " Amy said motioning for the man standing next to her to greet me.

This guy was 24? I'm not trying to say he looked old but he was pretty tall. Taller than me, for sure. I had to look up and smile my greeting.

His eyes sparkled an incredible blue unlike any other pair of eyes I had seen.
He had long black hair that came down to his shoulders and a pale complexion. But, no doubt, what made me the happiest was his clothes.

He was wearing a Motley Crue band tshirt under a black jean vest, a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and black boots.

His arms and neck were decorated in tattoos, even his hands had some too. One of his nails was painted red and he wore a studded leather bracelet on his wrist.

He held out his hand for a handshake and I took it, shaking it firmly. "Hi, I'm Andy," he said in a friendly tone.

"Ashley," I said. "Call me Ash." He gave me nod and the greet ended.

Andy's P.O.V

I let go of his hand and turned to look at the rest of the people in the room. My mom told us all to move into the dinning room so we could eat and we followed her instruction.

I never expected for this kid to be so similar to me. I mean, I didn't know him yet but appearance wise we were similar. His hair was as long as mine, maybe longer but it was dyed a reddish light brown.

He was shorter than me, which I found hilarious, and he was wearing black on black just like me. He sported a pair of black cowboy boots and studs.

He seemed like an okay guy, not to mention he wasn't bad looking at all.

"You're going to love what we made for you!" Roger exclaimed taking Ash by the wrist and showing him the pot I had been peeking at before.

Ashley's face lit up when he saw the soup. Apparently he knew what it was. He hugged his dad and smiled wide at the rest of us.

"Thanks dad, that's badass," he said.

Roger must've noticed that we were not aware of why this was such good news so he explained. "When Ashley's mom and I went our seperate ways I didn't know how to cook at all, so I inveted a soup and named it after Ash. It's been his favourite soup ever since. Really it's just a mix of all the different things in our fridge the day I invented it."

"Well, I think it looks delicious! Why don't we sit down?" Mom motioned all of us to our seats on the table and started serving bowls of Ashley's soup.

My seat turned out to be in between mom and Ashley. We ate comfortably the whole time. Collin, Roger, and mom asked Ash questions about California and his everyday life.

Turns out this guy works in a bar in a beach of LA. He's a bartender there and lives alone in an apartment. Doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment and has many friends, all of which sound alcoholic and reckless.

I stayed quiet the whole time just listening to his answers. He was going to be my stepbrother after all so I wanted to get to know him, but I let the others do all the talking.

He stole a glance at me now and then, probably wondering why I was so quiet, but I didn't look back at him.

After dinner, mom took all our dirty dishes and proceeded to put them in the dishwasher. Collin and Roger went to the livingroom to watch a game that was scheduled and mom followed them.

"Andy why don't you show Ashley to his room?" Mom asked wiping her hands with a nearby dish cloth.

I usually tried avoiding awkward situations but it seemed like this one was inevitable so I agreed. "Sure mom."

"Great. I'll be in the livingroom with Collin and Roger if you two need anything." She disappeared into the livingroom without another word.

I gave Ash a quick smile and then led him up the stairs. We took the right and went towards the bedroom. I opened the door for him and held it so he could carry in his luggage.

"Thanks," he said as he passed me at the doorway then threw his suitcases on the bed. "Black and blue, nice."

"Mom picked them out when she found out we would be having a house guest," I commented staying behind at the door.

"Aw that's nice. She seems like a really nice person."

I took an involuntary sigh. "She is."

Hey! They met! They'll get to know each other from now on so yay! Thanks for reading, please vote and comment! *peace*

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