A Brand New Day

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Andy's P.O.V

I sat down on the couch after my quick morning shower and clicked through the channels. No Batman yet. It was way too early in the morning and I wasn't even tired. I had literally not sleeped at all.

Crow was peacefully sleeping on his cat bed, his chest rising and falling softly. I smiled at my small baby and wished he was up so we could hang, but I didn't have the heart to wake him up.

I stared at the lady on TV who went on about a "one time offer" on a diamond and emerald ring. She didn't seem like she was enjoying her job. A forced smile and three tons of fucking make up went a long way on TV.

I gave up on it and shut it off with the remote. I had nobody to text, nobody to call, and it was way too early for anybody to be up. I mean anybody I knew.

With a quiet groan I reached for my phone that was on the coffee table and went through my contacts. Ashley, Chance, Mom, Roger, and Pizza Hut. Wow, that's actually kind of sad now that I think about it.

I rolled my eyes slightly at it and turned off the screen. Not going to bother me. It never has and it never will.

For two hours I laid on the couch staring up at my ceiling fan that was turning in circles. I had my headphones on blasting all kinds of rock and roll, the world around me was way out of my reach.

I wasn't really thinking about anything at all, just kind of soaking into the music. Every word, every chord, every beat of the drum, and bass was leaking slowly into my blood stream. It was the best feeling in the world.

The clock on my phone flashed seven in the morning. It was more or less an acceptable time now to try and reach out to someone.

But who though? Mom probably had plans. She's not always free, I mean she and Roger work, yesterday they had taken the day off because they wanted to hang out with their... children? Whatever. Point being she was working and I couldn't hang out with her today.

Out of nowhere the music stopped coming out of my headphones. I frowned and looked down at the screen of my phone and noticed an incoming call.


I yanked off the headphones and quickly slid the green button. "Hello?"

"Andy?" Ashley's voice sounded a little tired. Sort of like he had been doing something for too long.

"That's me." I said with a crooked smile he wasn't able to see from the other side of the line.

"Hey! Hi. I was just laying around the house when I realized I would be alone the whole day. You know because dad and Amy have to go to work." He explained. I gave him a quick "mhm" so he knew he could continue. "Yeah so, I was wondering if we could hang out. I mean you're the only friend I have in Ohio."

I was a little surprised at the word friend, because literally we had known each other for like three days or something, and we barely knew each other but I brushed it off and kept the conversation going. "Yeah sure why not? Let's go out though, my apartment is not interesting at all." We exchanged some chuckles before continuing. "I'll pick you up? An hour?"

"Uh yeah, sure. See you then."

I agreed and pressed the red button after our quick goodbyes.

I was the only guy in Ohio he knew, but damn. I thought he was never going to contact me again. I mean the face he made when I told him about my sexuality was a face of no return.

But he had actually contacted me.

I brushed off the confusion and got up from the couch. If I was going to pick this kid up in an hour I had to get ready now.

We were just going to hang out and stuff so I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, the misfits muscle tee I had bought the day before, and a random pair of boots.

I didn't bother with any make up or anything like that, I wasn't going anywhere special, but I did just grave a couple of bracelets and a random earring.

Before leaving to pick up Ash, I made sure the candles were out and I poured Crow some food. He was still sleeping but he would wake up hungry for sure.

Ashley's P.O.V

I looked in the mirror a second time and adjusted my sunglasses. I touched my back pockets to make sure I had my wallet and phone with me and made my way downstairs.

The house was so quiet and empty without dad and his wife. It was just me in here, that's why I wanted to leave. I didn't even know where Andy was taking me. I barely knew the city.

With a sigh I sat on the front steps of the house and locked up the house. I made sure the keys were with me too and looked at the street.


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