Say You'll Come Find Me

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Andy's P.O.V

Oh my God. I was kissing him. I was kissing Ashley and he was kissing me back. It felt so good. It was even better than what I had imagined.

The feeling of his lips against mine was the best feeling in the world. They were so warm and they molded perfectly to me.

I moved my hands down to his waist and snaked them around. His arms were laced around my neck pulling me closer to him. For these minutes in heaven I could forget all about how sad I had been these past few days.

I forgot about the fact that he had lied, about the way I had cried, the way I couldn't sleep at night and the way I had been mad at him.

It was like the perfect drug, the perfect medicine. The one that cured me.

"Wait!" He pushed off.

I stared at him in confusion. "What?"

"This is wrong."

"It didn't feel wrong. Did it?"

He blushed scratching his head. He seemed unsure of his own words, as if there was a mental battle going on in his head.

"No. But I have a girlfriend!"

I rolled my eyes. "Does she kiss you like I do?" He stared at me wide-eyed, deciding on my words. "Ashley, I'm done hiding myself. I can see it in your eyes that you liked it. Stop lying to yourself! All these past days I've been swimming in a pit of self hatred for loving a man that didn't love me back. But that's not what I felt through the kiss."

I took a pause to let it sink in.

"Listen to me. I was dying because of the news. The news that you had a girlfriend, that you had lied. I felt like you were cheating on me and now I understand why. Ashley. You like me. I can feel it."

"No I don't. I'm not gay."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be ignorant. Stop hiding your feelings in that closed mind of yours. The fact that you like me doesn't mean you're gay."

"Yes it does. And if I go home and tell dad that I'm gay he'll be even more disappointed in me! I can't take that anymore Andy, I can't!" Tears brimmed his eyes as he sat back down on the swing.

"He won't be-"

"I didn't go to college. I'm not married. I don't have a beautiful wife and a successful career. I am a complete failure. And now this?" He pointed a finger at me and then brought it back to point at himself. "I can't disappoint him again. First mom, and now me. I'm scared."

"Ash, you won't disappoint him. Roger will understand. He's your dad. This isn't a disappointment. Why does being of a different sexuality have to be a disappointment?" I inquired, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know. I don't know. I'm so confused." He lowered his head to his hands. "I want to tell you I love you but I'm afraid." He whispered.

I have to be honest. My heart fluttered to no end when he said that. He wanted to say he loved me, which meant he did. I wanted to sing, to scream. The man that had broken my heart a couple days back was now mending it with his whispers.

I took a slow breath and started at him. Don't rush into things Andy, just talk to him. Talk.

"Don't be afraid." I whispered.

He lifted his head to look at me. His eyes read confusion and doubt. He was battling whether or not to tell me how he felt. I wanted him to do it. I needed him to do it. But I didn't want to rush it.

He wasn't ready and I could tell. It was fine in all honesty. The poor kid was questioning all he knew as right.

"Listen, it's okay."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"When I... "found out" I was gay it was pretty hard too. I always knew it in a sense, but it took a long time for me to accept it. I would look at myself in the mirror and ask myself why. Why was I this way? Why me?" I took a breath. "But, I thought about it and realised that there was nothing I could do. I told my parents and they understood. I'm sure Roger will do nothing different."

"It's different. He accepts it from you because you're not his son. I am his son Andy. It's not the same."

"I understand. And I also don't think you should tell him anything just yet."

Ashley's P.O.V

"I mean you're not even sure of your sexuality yourself. I know it's hard." He said.

God, I just couldn't concentrate on anything. My mind was plagued with so many different images and feelings. The kiss, the tears, my dad, Andy's hands on my waist. The way the world just disappeared when our lips touched.

It was all overwhelming. But he was so understanding. It only made me like him even more. His level of good looks and charm was honestly unfair.

"I think you should think about it before you do anything." He said biting his lip afterwards.

He wanted me to say it. He wanted me to tell him I liked him back. He knew what I felt but he still wanted to hear it from me. And I wanted nothing more but to tell him yet I wasn't ready. I didn't know how.

So, for now all I did was slide my hand to where his was and held it. He looked up at me with hope in his eyes but all I did was smile.

"Thanks. I mean, thank you for this all. I needed this talk." I said.

He sighed. "Me too. I've been dying to say it."

"Hey can you take me somewhere? I have to do something."


I stood at the door waiting for someone to open it after I knocked. Andy sat in his truck waiting for me. I hadn't told him what we were doing in this beat-down neighborhood. He had just driven me here.

The door knob started to turn and the familiar blond peeked through the door frame. A smile spread across her face as she waved.

"Hey sweetheart! What brings you here?"
Hello! Thank you guys so much for all the votes and comments on the last chapter. ^-^ Why don't we keep that up? What do you guys think so far? How long do you think it'll take Ashley to make up his mind and tell Andy he loves him?

Author hint: It will be soon. Very soon.

Love you all.


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