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"Where's mom going?" I asked walking into the living room where my dad was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Just to the store. She'll be back." He replied flashing me a smile.

"Why was she crying?" I questioned. She has been crying a lot lately and I wish I knew why, I want her to be happy. "Is it because I burnt the food? I really didn't mean to." I sighed worriedly.

"No honey, its okay... I actually think she just got back. Go up in you room so we can talk. Then we can all go out for breakfast." My dad smiled before I walked up the stairs. Before I could get into the room I herd mom crying so I decided to sit on the stairs, I only want to know what's wrong, and dad obviously isn't going to tell me.

"Mike I can't do this." I herd her cry as she sat on the couch. "I'm not ready for a child. What was I thinking." My mom said looking up at my dad. Before he replied I hurried up the stairs and into my room slamming the door behind me.

I've never felt so crappy before. Why would we do all of this? Why am I calling her mom? Obviously she doesn't want me to be her daughter. I can't believe this. Am I that unlovable that even Carrie can't love me, a person who loves everyone. Why can't she love me like I love her? Why can't Mike? I don't get it.

"Beth, wanna go out for breakfast?" Carrie asked knocking on my door about twenty minuets later.

"No. Not really hungry." I lied.

"Alright, well open up. I wanna ask you something." Carrie added causing me to sigh.

"I'm really not in the mood for talking right now." I said becoming frustrated now.

"Honey come on open up." Carrie sighed.

I decided just to give up. She won't just leave me alone, she'll just keep bugging me about it until I crack. "What is it?" I asked opening my door after wiping my face off.

"We finally have the dates set up for the tour... I figured you'd want to see them considering you'll be with me." Carrie smiled as I laid on my bed.

"No. Not really." I answered coldly as I turned away from her.

"I thought you were excited to go..." Carrie sighed.

"Nope. Don't even want to go anymore." I rolled my eyes.

"What? Why not? Honey what's wrong?"

"Stop calling me that. Your not my mom." I mumbled.

"Bethany why are you acting like this? Did I do something?"

"You know what? You did everything. I don't want to be here anymore." I continued mumbling under my breath as I stood up.

"Bethany I don't understand. What did I do?" Carrie asked following me. "What do you mean you don't want to be here anymore?" She questioned quickly becoming upset.

"Just leave me alone please!" I exclaimed crying hysterically. I've never yelled at Carrie, I've never wanted to. Except for now.

"Bethany just tell me what I did." Carrie begged her crying now too.

"What's going on you guys?" Mike said walking into my bathroom, me assuming he'd herd me yell.

"She said she doesn't want to be here anymore." Carrie said looking up at him.

"Can you said you don't want children so I think we're even don't you!" I yelled before storming out.

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