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I am not angry at Mike, my feelings are just hurt. What he said was true the way I was acting, although I never expected for him to ever say anything like that to me there for it hurt. I pulled over on the country back road unable to concentrate on driving due to my crying.

"Hello." I answered my phone aware that it is my husband and he'd probably figure out I was crying.

"Hey honey, you've been gone over an hour. Everything okay?" He questioned causing me to bite my lip cursing myself mentally for being so sensitive like always.

"Um yeah..." I answered wiping my eyes.

"You sure? You sound upset." Mike replied causing me to sigh.

"I'm okay." I sighed before hanging up. I might as well go home I've been gone for a while there's no reason of staying out and just crying over this. I pulled in the driveway and sat there for a second trying to cool myself down. Finally after about five minutes I got my purse and walked inside.

"Hey babe... Everything okay?" Mike said as I walked into the bedroom seeing him sitting on the bed.

"Um yeah... I think I'm gonna hop in the shower. Then go get lunch." I replied gently biting my lip making sure not to look him in the eyes afraid that I'd begin to cry.

"You want me to go with you?" Mikr smiled wrapping his arms around me.

"Um, sure." I answered flashing him a fake smile before moving away from him. I put my things down then walled into the bathroom pulling my hair out of the pony tail I had put it up in earlier.

About halfway through the shower I herd the bathroom door open. "Hey babe when are you wanting to leave?" He asked as I turned off the water.

"Whenever." I sighed stepping out of the shower wrapping my towel around me.

"Alright baby..." Mike smiled walking over kissing my cheek hugging me, causing me to feel uncomfortable due to his sudden embrace. "You okay?" He questioned looking down at me causing me to nod my head forcing a small smile.

"Yeah..." I lied before walking into the bedroom. "Can I um... Can I change?" I asked him following me.

"Care honey you've changed in front of me before..." Mike replied with a small laugh.

"Right." I sighed walking into the closet. I got a pair of skinny jeans out along with a black sweater and changed into the clothes after putting on my undergarments.

"Well you look mighty fine..." Mike smiled as I walked out of the closet. "Honey. I'm not really convinced about this whole "I'm fine" thing..." Mike said following me into the bathroom.

"Just a little stressed." I replied biting my lip obviously avoiding eye contact.

"About what baby?" Mike asked wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Can you just... Give me some space?" I sighed backing away from him. "I um... Don't feel to good." I lied again as I pulled away from him.

"Is it really that or are you still upset with me?" Mike asked looking down at me seriously.

"I don't like what you said Mike... I really really don't like it at all. I never thought you'd swear at me like that, that you would call me that ever." I suddenly said catching myself off guard. "For once Mike you actually made me feel bad about myself. I never thought I'd feel that way with you and I do..." I confessed as a small tear rolling down my cheek.

"Carrie..." Mike sighed placing his hands on the sides of my arms.

"No, no Mike please..." I cried moving his hands off of me. "I just. Need some time to myself." I added before walking back into the bedroom running my fingers through my hair. "I um... Think I'm going to get a hotel just for tonight." I sighed as Mike walked into the room after me.

"Please honey don't do that." Mike begged looking down at me seriously as I stood up from the bed. "Plus we go in the morning to pick up Beth." He added causing me to sigh once again.

"We can meet there." I replied biting my lip as tears rolled down my face.

"Care please I'm sorry." Mike apologized as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Mike, I can't do this anymore." I cried.

"Do what anymore... Carrie, don't say that..." Mike signed sitting on the bed putting his head in his hands. "Carrie I can't loose you." Mike said looking up at me causing me to see the tear slowly falling from his eye. That's when I know Mike is really upset I've seen Mike cry very few times in my life only at our wedding have I seen him cry. "Please forgive me Carrie. I was just angry... I didn't mean what I said." Mike added biting his lip. "Please don't leave. Carrie I need you, I love you." He sighed standing up looking down into my eyes both of us crying now. I can't leave him, no matter how upset it makes me that he talked to me like that I absolutely could not leave this man if my life depended on it.

"I love you too." I replied before Mike wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly.

"Care you mean the absolute world to me..." Mike mumbled in my ear as he hugged me.

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