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I woke up yawning turning over to look my husband in the eyes, a small smile forming across his face. "Good morning." Mike greeted wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Morning." I smiled before gently kissing his lips. I stood out of the bed in only my undergarments, Mike doing the same. The two of us went into our master bathroom and began brushing our teeth.

"Hey Care..." Mike smiled putting his tooth brush down wrapping his arms around my waist standing behind me. "I love you." Mike whispered in my ear before gently kissing my neck. "I. Love. You. So much baby." Mike added me giggling as he kissed my neck in between each kiss.

"Mike..." I gently bit my lip as his moved to the senstitive part of my neck.

"Mom!" I herd Bethany call causing Mike and I both to sigh.

"Tonight I promise..." I smiled softly kissing Mike's cheek before walking out of the bathroom putting on a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie.

"Mom!" Bethany called from down stairs. I rushed down the stairs a burnt smell filling my nose. "I was only trying to make breakfast I swear!" She exclaimed as I got a lid and put it over the pan that was on fire. "I'm sorry." Bethany pouted a tear falling from her eye.

"Aw, its okay." I replied wrapping my arms around her hugging her tightly.

"No, I herd you and dad arguing last night and you were crying. I just didn't want y'all fighting this morning." Bethany cried. I feel horrible. "I just want y'all to be happy." Bethany added as I pulled her into my arms hugging my daughter tightly. I've always told myself that I'd never allow my kids to hear Mike and I arguing if we do.

"Honey I promise, we are happy. Thank you for trying to make us breakfast but its okay. Its seven thirty in the morning go back to sleep." I smiled before kissing her forehead. "Don't cry honey." I added wiping her tears before Bethany walked up the stairs.

"What was wrong?" Mike asked walking into the kitchen.

"Beth tried making us breakfast, she said she herd us fighting last night." I replied frowning. "She was really upset." I added as a small tear fell from my eye.

"Don't cry." Mike said wiping my eyes.

"Stop telling me that Mike... Does it not make you upset at all? To think she's upset because of us?" I asked becoming annoyed.

"Care calm down... No I don't want her upset, but I don't want you upset either... You've been getting upset a lot lately." Mike sighed looking at me seriously. "Are you pregnant?" Mike asked causing me to look away from him.

"I mean... I've been suspecting but I haven't wanted to take a test. Why? Do I look bigger?" I said nervously looking down at myself.

"No Carrie. You've just been getting really emotional lately so I wasn't sure." Mike sighed. "Do you not want a baby?" He questioned looking slightly upset.

"I just don't know how Beth will react. If she'll be happy or not. I don't want to be if she doesn't want me to be." I answered looking down at the ground.

"Come on, you have a test upstairs right?" Mike said beginning to lead me up towards the room.

"Uh... Yeah." I stuttered worriedly.

I don't think I could be more nervous right now. I don't know what I am going to do if I'm pregnant. I can't have a baby, I'm not ready for a baby. "Carrie... Don't be nervous." Mike said as I walked out of the bathroom sitting on his lap.

"I'm not trying to be." I snapped back, but instantly regretted it. "Sorry." I quietly apologized looking away from my husband ashamed of my actions. I stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. I bit my lip as I stared down at the positive pregnancy test trying my best not to cry.

"Care, don't cry." Mike said walking into the bathroom trying to wrap his arms around me but I quickly pulled away.

"No... I can't do this." I said getting the keys off of the table.

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