Chapter One:

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Mike and I haven't seen each other in two months and finally we are going to be home at the same time. Its Valentines Day and actually I'm pretty excited. I use to totally be against it, I want my man to love me all year and not just one day. Mike does love me all year, every single day of the year but today we get to see each other again and it just so happens to be on Valentines day.
I've seen couples around me all day hugging and kissing, just being loving to one another and it truly made me think. Today is just another day of the year. Mike loves me on this day too. We make every other day special so why not make today special?
I sat my bags down on the bed and immediately ran into the bathroom. Mike would be here any second and I wanted to look my best. I took my hair out of the pony tail and fluffed my natural waves. I put on a pair of black leather pants and a dressy red shirt. I applied some red lip stick then hurried and put on a pair of black heels.
I herd a truck door shut and I looked out my bedroom window to see Mike walking towards the house with a bouquet of roses causing a smile to instantly come to my face.
I opened the front door as Mike walked up the stairs and he looked up at me, coming up the stairs faster, as a grin came to my face.
I ran and practically jumped into my husbands arms, him hugging me back tightly. "Oh my gosh princess I've missed you so much." He confessed as he spun me around in the air. "You look gorgeous honey." He added as he gently put me down.
"Thank you." I said with a smile as I stood on my toes giving him a small kiss on the lips.
"These are for you my love." Mike said handing me the bouquet of roses.
"Thank you there beautiful." I said blushing.
"I'm so happy we finally get to see each other." Mike confessed hugging me tightly as he kissed my cheek. I squealed as Mike squeezed me tightly, picking me up. I was so over joyed seeing Mike. I've missed him so much lately, and unfortunately we haven't gotten to talk that much but we're going to be together here for a while.
"I can't believe your here." I confessed holding Mike's hand as we walked inside. "Come here..." I said pulling him towards the couch when he tried to go upstairs.
"What?" He laughed as I sat on the couch and pulled him beside me.
"I just want to kiss you..." I confessed before kissing him softly on the lips. He smiled pulling me onto his lap before he moved his face closer to mine, butterflies soon taking over my stomach. I smiled as Mike's lips brushed against mine.
"I love you..." Mike whispered before kissing me passionately. "Happy Valentines day beautiful." He added as we both pulled away.
"Happy Valentines day Mike..." I replied before we kissed again, me wrapping my arms around Mike's neck.
"So how has your day been?" Mike asked as we both pulled away him gently stroking my back with his left hand while his right was gently rested on my thigh.
"Good I guess... Better that your here though." I said letting out a soft giggle before gently giving him a peck on the lips. "Mike... I've missed you so much." I sighed hugging him tightly.
"I've missed you too princess..." Mike smiled before kissing me passionately. "What are you so dressed up for?" He asked looking confused as he brushed a few strands of hair behind my ear.
"You..." I smiled becoming confused when Mike frowned at me. "What? I just wanted to look nice." I wined as Mike carried me up the stairs.
"But I don't want you getting dressed up for me... You look beautiful in anything and everything." Mike smiled laying me on our bed softly kissing my neck.
"" I said as his lips moved further down my neck.
"What's wrong?" Mike asked looking confused as he pulled away from me.
"Nothing... I just-" I cut myself off with a sigh Mike laying beside me.
"Tell me its okay..." He said caressing my face with the both of his hands.
I was hesitant to tell Mike about the news regarding my last trip to the doctor. I know I need to but I just don't want it to change anything, mess anything up. "I went to the doctor the other day with Ivey regarding my weight you know?" I said as a look of worry spread across Mike's face as he nodded his head.
"They said I'm way under." I sighed as he held my hand lacing his fingers around mine. "I didn't know it had gotten that bad... I probably look horrible." I said standing up and walking over to the mirror that hung on the wall.
"Carrie... You don't look anywhere near horrible. How much do you weigh?" Mike asked coming up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Just 115." I replied looking at myself in the mirror. "They want me to be around 125... But I eat. I'm not starving myself or anything." I said with a sigh as I stared at Mike and I in the mirror.
"Yeah you eat... You definitely eat." Mike laughed causing me to pout. "Don't look at me that way baby I was just kidding." He said pulling me back into his arms kissing my forehead. "I love your body... I love how short and tiny you are." Mike laughed causing me to pull away from him for a second time.
"Mike stop." I said annoyed now that he had been making fun of my body.
"Honey I was kidding. Although I do love your body." Mike smiled laying beside me on the bed.
"Let's just stop talking about it." I sighed standing up walking into my closet. I removed my shoes and my pants soon after taking off my shirt now looking around for a pair of Nike Pro's in my dresser. "Mike!" I screamed as he walked in.
"Babe its not like I've never seen you before." Mike laughed wrapping his arms around me lifting me off my feet carrying me back into the room.
"Please stop Mike!" I yelled getting down out of his arms going back into my closet. I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top before walking out of the closet through my room into the bathroom.
"Carrie did I do something?" Mike asked as I took my make up off.
"I just want to goto sleep." I replied with I sigh.
"I know you are upset... Just tell me why baby." Mike said slowly wrapping his arms around my waist sweetly kissing my cheek.
"I just don't want to talk about it... I don't want to talk about my body with you. I don't want you joking about it its not funny to me." I confessed slowly moving his hands off of me.
"Care honey I'm sorry I was only trying to laugh not make the moment so serious." Mike replied following me as I walked out of the bathroom.
"Well Mike I'd like it if you didn't make fun of my weight, I already have enough people doing that." I said laying down in the bed pulling the sheets over me.
"Carrie you know I'm not making fun of your weight I'd never do that." Mike said laying beside me. "Baby look at me." He sighed trying to wrap his arms around my waist.
"No... Just leave me alone Mike." I cried moving away from him.
I woke up feeling my back softly being rubbed by Mike. He is so darn sweet it kills me. I wanted so bad to turn over and give him just a little kiss on the lips but I was still kinda frustrated with Mike about the weight thing.
"Care..." I herd his soft voice say causing a small chill to go down my spine.
"Yes?" I answered as he continued gently rubbing my back.
"I am sorry... For earlier." Mike apologized whispering into my ear now. "Baby... I love you so much. I never meant hurt your feelings." He said before gently kissing the back of my neck. "Baby I think you are absolutely beautiful... In every single way." He added kissing the back of my neck for the second time now.
"I just don't like talking about it... My body. It makes me feel uncomfortable." I confessed with a small sigh. "I didn't mean to snap at you and I'm sorry for that but its just a touchy subject for me." I said as he continued to rub my back.
"I know honey... And I'm sorry." Mike said before I turned to face him. "I love you baby..." Mike smiled as I cuddled up to him.
"I love you too." I returned the smile before gently kissing his lips. "Goodnight baby." I said before resting my head on his chest closing my eyes.

I woke up slowly opening my eyes to see Mike staring down at me. "You look so beautiful." He smiled before gently kissing my lips.
"I'm going to brush my teeth." I smiled before standing up walking into my bathroom. I took off my shorts looking in the mirror seeing if the shirt I was wearing covered my butt. Before I could make a decision Mike came up behind me and removed the shirt from my back lifting my off my feet carrying me into the bedroom. He slowly laid me on the bed pulling the covers over us.
"Let's just lay here for a little while..." Mike whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer to him gently kissing my cheek. I cuddled up to Mike's bare chest as he ran his fingers through my hair instantly relaxing me. I love moments like these with Mike. Just laying in bed with him, our legs tangled together under the sheets, my head on his chest.
"Mike..." I said glancing up at him into his blue eyes. "I love you..." I smiled before kissing him passionately placing my hand around the back of his neck.
"I love you too beautiful." He replied before kissing me again caressing my face with both hands deepening the kiss.

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