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"You alright?" I asked looking over at Bethany in the passenger seat as I pulled into the gated community Mike and I live in. "You look upset." I added lightly worried. I've known Bethany now for two months and she is never like this and it hurts to know that she's acting this way.

"Yeah I'm alright..." She replied flashing me a smile as I pulled into the driveway putting the car in park. "Just don't want to be in the group home anymore. Which sucks because I don't think I'll ever get out... Well until I'm eighteen." Bethany added with a frown.

"Don't talk like that honey... Did something happen?" I questioned as the two of us got out of the car walking towards the house.

"Some of the girls just don't like me anymore... At the home because the dance teacher favors me over them." Bethany sighed.

"That's not your fault though." I replied wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"Doesn't matter." Bethany said. "Can we just go inside? I don't wanna talk about it anymore." Bethany added causing me to frown nodding my head.

The two of us walked inside the house and I walked Bethany upstairs into the guest room where Mike and I had set up a few things for her since she'd be staying with us for the next three days. We bought a new bedroom set along with a new comforter and sheets. Yes she is only staying for two days but we're hoping to adopt her within the next week considering we've been trying for over a month.

"Thank you, you didn't have to buy all this for me." Bethany said as the two of us walked into the room.

"We both wanted to." I replied smiling over at her.

"Hi Beth!" Mike smiled as he walked in behind us. Bethany turned around running into his arms hugging him tightly. "She okay?" Mike silently asked me as he hugged her back.

"I think." I answered.

"I got you a surprise." He smiled at Bethany.

"Please no... I don't want you buying me all this stuff." Bethany said sitting on the edge of the bed looking up at the two of us.

"Beth I want to buy you stuff because I love you..." Mike said sitting beside her. I was taken back by this moment between Mike and Bethany, it kinda made me want children even more seeing how loving and caring he is to her always.

"You don't love me." She laughed in response.

"Yes I do, now I'm gonna go get your present." He grinned standing up. I can't wait to see her reaction when she sees what we bought her. Bethany is going to be so excited I just can't stand it.

"You have to close your eyes." I smiled sitting on the bed covering Beth's eyes.

"Are you crazy?" Bethany giggled falling back on to me the two of us laughing hysterically as we both tickled each other. I'd kill for moments like these every day.

"Alright... Close your eyes." Mike smiled walking into the room. The two of us couldn't contain our excitement as Mike placed the iPhone six plus box in front of Bethany. "Open." Mike smiled as I clutched onto his arm in excitement.

"Are you crazy!" Bethany exclaimed looking over at the both of us. "Really you bought this for me?" She asked excitedly as she opened the box picking the phone up. Finally she calmed herself down and looked up at the two of us slightly confused. "Wh- why would y'all buy me something like this? I don't understand." She suddenly spoke causing me to sit beside her. "I know you said you love me but... How can you? I'm not your daughter." She sighed causing me to feel as if my heart had shattered into a million pieces. The look on her little face as she stared into my eyes hers feeling with tears hurt my heart.

"Your not yet honey..." I replied pulling her into my arms.


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