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"You know what. I'm done arguing about this Mike. I apologized I said I was sorry which I am. I don't know why your still mad." Carrie said frustrated. I just rolled my eyes in response before walking upstairs into the bedroom getting the keys off of the nightstand. I put on my shoes then walked back down the stairs immediately running into Carrie once I turned the corner.

"Why are you leaving?" She asked looking upset.

"Because I need to get away." I answered causing her to sigh biting her lip.

"From me?" She questioned and I shrugged my shoulders. "Mike... I am sorry." Carrie apologized now again as a tear fell from her eye.

"I'm gonna go..." I sighed before walking out of the front door and down to my truck. I'm not mad... Just disappointed. I have never doubted mine and Carrie's relationship. I have always known that she loves me with everything shes got and I love her with everything I got. I just wish she was that confident.

I was gone for about an hour I just picked up a beer from the store then went to the property we own and sat out there thinking for a little bit. I walked through the front door and went into the kitchen assuming Carrie was in there but she wasn't. As I'm walking upstairs I began to hear her crying and talking to someone.

"Moma he was really mad at me. What if he doesn't love me anymore?" I herd Carrie say on the phone. "Yes I know he loves me... But after that man broke in... I just I don't know. Mike has been acting weird towards me. I asked him if he was mad and he says hes not." Carrie added as I walked down the hallway trying to be as quiet as possible. "He hates me now." She cried causing me to run my fingers through my hair. I couldn't listen to it anymore.

"Carrie I don't hate you at all." I said walking into the room.

"I'll call you back." Carrie said hanging up her phone wiping the tears from her face.

"Carrie. I love you. More than anything in the world. I'm not mad at you for what happened. I'm mad at myself, if only I had came and helped you. This wouldn't have happened." I confessed sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Mike he knocked you unconscious. That's not your fault." Carrie said as another tear fell from her eye.

"I could've prevented it though." I replied nodding my head. "But Carrie its not fair that you doubt our relationship. Our marriage." I said looking at her seriously.

"Mike I don't... I never have its just hard. I feel like I betrayed you." Carrie sighed another tear falling from her eye.

"But it wasn't y-"

"Mike. I know." She cut me off causing me to move closer beside her wrapping my arms around her. "I really am sorry..." Carrie sighed looking up at me.

"Its okay..." I replied gently rubbing her back. We stayed like that for a while me trying to calm her down a little. I don't like seeing her upset. I really don't like seeing her upset. And it makes me feel even worse knowing its my fault. "Are you hungry?" I asked looking down into her eyes.

"Not really I got sick a few times while you were gone." Carrie replied causing me to squeeze her tighter.

"You alright?"


Posting two Chapters!
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