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I woke up immediately walking down stairs to see if Carrie was still asleep but she was gone. "I'm a Ivey's. Please don't come over here. I don't want to talk. -Carrie" Her note read causing me to sigh. I hate that she got so upset with me last night. I didn't mean for her to think I have had to wait on her. I've been wanting to ask but I think that she just took what I said the wrong way, or maybe I said it wrong I'm not sure but I know she was extreamly upset.

I know Carrie doesn't want me going to Ivey's but I have to. I can't go for the rest of the day not talking to her and know that she is that mad at me especially over this. After I put on some clothes and made me some breakfast (along with Carrie's of course). I packed her breakfast I'd made her into a small pic-nic basket then headed over to Ivey's.

"No Mike... Leave." Ivey said angrily as she walked out of her house me getting out of my truck.

"Ivey please I can't take her being upset with me." I begged looking down at her seriously.

"Mike you tore her apart inside." She replied scowling at me. "Carrie has been through hell now your doing this?" Ivey added.

"Ivey you know I support Carrie and every decision she makes including the one to wait a little longer to start a family. I never meant for it to come out the way it did." I explained feeling myseld becoming upset now.

"Well Mike she doesn't want you here. Niether do I." Ivey said before walking away.

"Wait... I brought her some breakfast, just in case she hasn't eaten." I said handing her the basket. "I really am sorry." I added Ivey nodding her head before I got back in my truck. No, I can't just leave without talking to her. Without explaining to her that I didn't mean for it to sound the way it did.

"Mike I told you to leave..." Ivey said answering her door.

"I know. Please just let me try talking to her. If she tells me to leave I will please Ivey. I need to talk to her." I said pleading to talk to my wife.

"Alright Mike." She sighed before stepping aside allowing me inside. I walked into Ivey's living room seeing Carrie sitting on her couch curled into a ball with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Carrie please, can I just have five minuets?" I asked slowly sitting on the couch. Carrie looked over at me before turning to face me. "Honey. I didn't mean for it to sound that way when I asked. I guess it just came out wrong." I tried my best explaining. "And I'm sorry it feels that I was saying that to be mean but I wasn't at all. I only wanted to ask because..." I said looking over at Ivey who was listening carefully. "Because we've kinda had sex a lot this week. I just wanted to know if you were ready." I whispered as Carrie wiped her eyes. "I love you baby, and I am not trying to rush you at all." I sighed gently biting my lip moving closer to her.

"Mike... I feel like you've had to wait on me." Carrie said putting her head in her hands.

"That's not true baby I promise..." I replied holding her hands. "I don't think to myself that I have to wait for you because I'm ready when you are, only when you are. Okay?" I explained, looking deeply into Carrie's eyes. She nodded her head in response as another tear fell from her eye. "Carrie I love you..." I said pulling her into my arms.

"I love you too..." Carrie replied in a soft whisper hugging me back. I rubbed her back as she sat on my lap, Carrie hugging me tightly.

"Carrie I really didn't mean it that way." I added causing her to pull away from me looking into my eyes nodding her head. "I promise." I sighed before gently kissing her lips.

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