Nothing But Love

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Kiss after kiss was placed on my lips before I felt them move down to my neck. I fluttered my eyes opening seeing Mike hovering over me, placing kisses all over the spance between my collar bones and my jaw. "Good morning beautiful." Mike smiled noticing I was awake kissing me passionately.

"Morning." I replied as he pulled away.

"I can't help to feel a slight bit embarrassed." He gushed causing me to giggle.

"I like being woken up like that babe." I grinned before pulling him back down towards me kissing his lips. "Don't be embarrassed it was cute." I added as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Mike kissed me one more time before standing up from the bed me sitting up. "Well dang. My husband looks hot this morning." I said staring at his six pack as he picked up his phone.

"Look how hot my wife looks this morning." He grinned back at me as I stood up from the bed also, only in my Victoria Secret undergarments. "I mean damn baby..." Mike wrapped his arms around my waist me blushing heavily as my husbands hands groped my butt gently.

"Chill out man." I giggled as he lifted me off of my feet. "Let's go make some breakfast." I suggested him kissing my cheek as he put me back down.

"Wait. What are you doing?" Mike questioned looking confused as I got a shirt out of the dresser.

"Putting on some clothes." I answered.

"Oh no." Mike replied taking the shirt from my hands picking me up over his shoulder causing me to squeal as he walked us down the hallway.

"Please don't drop me Mike." I screamed in laugher as he walked down the stairs. I screamed him throwing me on the couch quickly climbing on top of me.

"How are you so beautiful..." Mike sighed gently running his index finger down the side of my face before kissing me passionately taking my breath away. "Carrie. I. Love. You." Mike smiled kissing me in between every word me softly giggling.

"I love you too Mikey." I replied as Mike pulled me off of the couch. "We're really going to make breakfast with no clothes on?" I questioned as he lead me into the kitchen.

"I always make breakfast in my boxers honey. I think its only fair if you only wear your underwear." Mike grinned glancing over at me.

"I think I have a bite more to cover honey. But nice try." I winked at my husband. I decided just to eat some fruit for breakfast while Mike was all in for eating dead defenseless animals. He cooked bacon and sausage along with eggs and livermush, and the only thing I could eat of his was a biscuit.

"Mike!" I exclaimed immediately spitting out my biscuit once I tasted bacon. I looked over at him giving Mike the "death stare", a bit angry that he sneaked a piece of bacon in my biscuit.

"So was it good?" My husband asked trying to hold back a laugh.

"Micheal Fisher!" I exclaimed standing up from my seat the same time he did causing me to chase after him. "I can't believe you tried putting bacon in my biscuit!" I squealed as I chased him into the living room.

"Baby I didn't try. I did." Mike replied grinning as he jumped over the couch. "Just admit you liked it." Mike added as I ran into him.

"I hated it!" I laughed falling on top of him into the love-seat.

"Awe... Isn't that too bad." Mike whined before kissing me passionately. He pulled away me instantly poking my lip out beginning to pout this always works on Mike. "Are you about to cry? Care... Why are you crying?" He asked worriedly as fake tears formed in my eyes. "Baby I'm sorry." He apologized hugging me tightly. When he did I wrapped my arms around him beginning to hug him back. I leaned but and bit his ear laughing as I pulled away running back into the kitchen.

"Carrie Marie you bit my ear." Mike laughed walking into the kitchen. "Wait you did it again. You started fake crying." Mike said slightly confused, looking over at me biting my lip trying my hardest not to laugh.

"I love you." I smiled big.


This is my absolute favorite chapter. Its so cute! Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote

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