Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I didn't hurry to answer since I didn't want to be winded when I got there, and I opened the door as if my heart weren't about to leap out of my chest at any time.-coloured button-up shirt that was loosely unbuttoned on the top, and he had on dark wash jeans with black shoes.

Simple, but effective.

"Hi, Toni," he smiled politely and put his hands together. "You ready?"

"Yep, just let me tell my sister that I'm leaving," I said and he nodded. I turned quickly and walked over to Macy's bedroom, knocking on the door.

"Mace, I'm leaving now," I called through the door. "You'll be fine with getting supper or something, right?"

"Yes, Toni," she shouted in an annoyed tone. "Bye. Have fun."

"Thanks!" I gave her door a good smack and walked back to David, who wrapped me in a hug that wasn't too grabby.

"Let's go."

He took my hand and led me out the door, which I closed behind me.

We made it down to the streets, and suddenly I started getting butterflies in my stomach, seeing all of the city lights.

"Have I ever told you just how lucky you are to be living in downtown New York City?" he asked, starting up a conversation.

"No, I don't think you haven't," I blushed. "But I know I am. I might not be able to afford much else, but life certainly is never boring living here."

"That's the truth."

Our conversation eventually drained into a comfortable silence, and we just kept walking in the night air, through crowds of people. Most of those people were alone, and some were in groups of friends or acquaintances. Others, though, looked just like David and I. Out on a date.

And they all had those pleasant faces on, just like us.

David guided me into a restaurant that was pretty fancy. Nothing too posh, but it was certainly something.

"Booth or table?" The hostess started grabbing menus.

"Which would you prefer, babe?" David nudged me gently.

I couldn't help but notice the fact that he called me babe, and smile.

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged.

"Alright, then," the hostess nodded and started walking away. "Right this way, please."

We followed her through the crowded restaurant until she stopped in front of a booth. She set down the menus on each side of the table, and I slid into one side, David getting in on the other.

"Someone will be over to get your order shortly," the hostess said, smiled, and walked off.

"She was nice," I sighed and started looking through the menu.

"I think she was supposed to be," David laughed.

"Well, you can easily tell when someone is just pretending to be nice," I explained. "And she was definitely not faking."

"Oh, she wasn't, now?" He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. "So, you can tell when someone is faking something?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, I think I could."

"Alright, let's test these skills." He smirked and looked around the restaurant for a suitable candidate. Once someone caught his eye, he nodded over to a couple on a date in the corner. "How about them?"

I looked closer at the couple. The guy looked like he was droning on and on, and the girl was smiling, nodding. "The guy is trying to hard and he knows it. The girl is definitely pretending to be interested in him. I'm assuming that was a blind date."

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