Chapter 33: Growing to like you

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For the first time, Jessica felt something strange.

A feeling in her heart, the feeling of longing to be with someone.

Someone who you want to be with you forever.

It's really strange, why? Why does she feel this way? What happened to the Jessica that didn't feel anything?

"I can tell you what that is." said BoA, as Jessica spoke to her in the middle of the night. 

"You are feeling a new emotion, my little Jessica."

"Don't call me that. I've lived for a hundred years."

"This emotion, my dear, is called love."

"Love? Why do I feel like I have heard that word before... ?"

"You didn't hear it, Jessica, you felt it."

"Felt it? I don't understand."

Jessica felt so confused. Love..... and what emotions has she felt before love? Happiness? Sadness? ..... fun? The emotion she thought Kris has taught her, wasn't it "fun"?

"And what are the science of emotions? Do they just come naturally?"

"You could say that, but in your case.... someone, has taught you this emotion."

Then it hit her, during the middle of the night, a talk with her creator.... she has discovered something quite trivial.

If Kris has taught her the emotion "fun" and "happiness" could he have taught her.... love?

And could that possibly mean that she loves Kris?

At the thought of that, Jessica held her chest, feeling her heart beat.

'I have to check if this is true...,' she thought ', or I might just die.'


Kris laughed as he played on the seesaw Chanyeol somehow stole.

It's been quite a week. A long draggy week for Chanyeol. Sandara's time has finished right before he knew it. Kris felt really sorry for him. But what can he do? Some people just live to die shortly after.

But your question is, why did Chanyeol steal the seesaw? Reader, I might be breaking the fourth wall. But you will understand soon enough.


Chanyeol threw his guardian contract away, after somehow snatching it from the Guardian Headquarter's records room. Tears streamed down his face. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" he yelled, teeth gritted. "Stop it, Chanyeol!" Suho shouted as he stopped Chanyeol from nearly ripping his contract into pieces. Baekhyun picked up the contract and let it out of Chanyeol's reach. "You should've just let me die! Let me die and go to heaven instead of making me do this stupid guardian thing!" Chanyeol yelled as he tried to get away from Suho's arms, holding him back. "What has gotten into you?! You think the world ends just because your crush died?! HUH?!" Baekhyun yelled as he kicked Chanyeol in the gut, trying to knock some sense into him. 

"YES! The world does end!"

"Wae?! She was just a mere girl...," Baekhyun trailed off as he started to punch Chanyeol repeatedly in the face ", another one of those human girls, dying is their purpose! Just another one of them dying shouldn't be your problem!"

"The world ends because she was my world!" Chanyeol finally yelled out. Baekhyun stayed silent. Suho slowly started to let Chanyeol go. As the other guardians watched in pity, Chanyeol dropped down to the ground, sobbing loudly. "I could've just died like every other human.." he muttered. Suho gestured to the rest of the guardians to leave Chanyeol alone, with his own contract.

As the rest of the guardians made their exit, Chanyeol stared at his guardian contract. Enraged, he tried to rip it to pieces,

but the contract just couldn't be ripped.

Boiling up all the rage inside him, Chanyeol tried to rip the contract again and again, but the contract stayed intact no matter what. 

Giving up, Chanyeol just layed down on the ground, eyes closing. He was ready to sleep for eternity.

Suddenly, Yeol felt like something was scratching his back. Annoyed, he stood up and fell back down in surprise.

"Annyeong." Sandara said, hand waving to him. Yeol felt like he was out of reality already. 

"Ani, you're.... dead."

"Says who? I'm not dead, maybe in human state I am, but in spirit state I'm not."


"I'll just leave this world for a while, Channie. That's all I'll be."

"Why are you leaving?"

"The book became tired of writing me."

"Huh? Noona- no, noona! Where are you going, noona?!"

"I'm going to another world, Channie."

"NO! Noona, come back!"

But as Yeol let out another breath, Sandara was gone. All that was left, was a seesaw, where she and Chanyeol first met, and a golden book.

Chanyeol took the golden book and opened it, and was surprised to see the writings on the page.

"As the human girl went to her whole new world, the spirit felt himself being destroyed. Not physically, but mentally. What would he do without his true love? Either what path they take, it always ends up wrong. The two can't be together. The human girl would still grow old either way and die if she had lived. There is just no possibility of them being together."

At the bottom of the page was a beautiful painting of a girl in something that somehow, looked like a city, reading a golden book. And in the left of that painting, was a boy somehow looking at a book. But when Chanyeol looked closer, it was a painting of him reading the golden book! Shivers went down his spine. What was this book? Why did it write their lives? 

All that was in conclusion was...

Sandara had went into a new world, where this golden book had to be somewhere.

  ❤️ ~~ ❤️

Whooooo! Haven't updated for a while, have I? Hehehe, I'm sorry! There was something wrong with my Wattpad so jincha mianhe!

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