Chapter 4: Choi Minho? What about him?

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Kris flew lazily to Tao's curb where he hangs out in. Inside, was Tao staring at something.

"What are you staring at?"


Tao fumbled with something and threw it in a trash bin. Kris sighed.

Kris just came from a castle of a pretty lady, and stupid him slipped on her castle floors causing him to yell out "BUUA!".

Anndddd apparently Choi Minho was there.

"Tao, do you remember that couple, Choi Minho and Kwon Yuri?"

"Yeah, what about them? They're happily dating as far as I know."

"Yeah, well... I saw Choi Minho today."


"Uh.... You see, I didn't see him in his natural habitat!"

"Natural habitat?" Tao asked and laughed. Kris shook his head.

"No, he was.... In an ice castle!"

".... Seriously?"

"Serious, Tao! He was with a pretty lady dealing her ice castle for frogs!"

"Frogs? Excuse me?" Suho suddenly popped up in their conversation.

"Oh, Suho hyung, what are you doing here?" Tao asked. Suho cleared his throat. "I overhead the word 'frogs', uh... What about 'frogs', you two?" Suho asked. Kris crossed his arm.

"Do you know anything about this?"

"About what?"



"OK!" Kris said and shut his mouth. Suho took a deep breath. "Now, may I ask, what made you go to the topic of 'frogs'?" Suho asked.

Suho has always been the most responsible guardian, despite the fact that he is a season spirit, not a normal spirit that helps the world's fate, he takes care of the other guardians well. Probably even more good than Xiumin.

"Well, today I was roaming around." Kris explained. Suho nodded.


"And then I saw a peculiar mountain, it's summer right? Well, that mountain was snowing and was covered with snow too, it was also beside a nearby kingdom, which made it more strange."

Suho nodded in understanding, despite the fact that actually he was confused.

"So I went up the mountain, and then I saw an ice castle, no joke, it was amazing. It had everything, a chandelier, some other stuff, it had castle potential! But it was impossible for someone to live there, it was too cold for a human to endure. But, as I was exploring the castle, a woman suddenly emerged down the stairs."

Suho blinked. A woman? Humans can't survive that long in the cold, so that woman can't possibly be human.

"So, as I was saying, she walked down the stairs, and I hurriedly hid behind a pillar. The strange thing was, she started eating ice cream! I was like 'what?', because, how the heck did she eat ice cream inside an ice palace?! Not to mention, she didn't have sleeves on. So I'm sure she's not human. I think this is something we have to ask Ryeowook hyung. Anyway, as she was eating ice cream, I totally did not fall over and screamed. Okay? I did not do that. Suddenly, she dropped her ice cream and started to scream of who was there, I wanted to walk out and reveal myself, since, you know, she was kinda pretty. But unexpectedly, somebody looking like a frog came out."

Suho signalled for Kris to stop talking. Kris shut his mouth.

"Somebody who looked like a frog?"

"Well, yeah, sort of."

Suho bit his lip. "Continue." He said.

"So he looked like a frog, and then he creeped on the girl, and he asked if he could trade her, uh, ice palace for frogs. And, the girl got really mad and said she would freeze him. Which was quite.... Surprising, because, I don't know how she can freeze him at all. But still, we are gonna have to ask Ryeowook hyung. So, the man left and that was it. But it was unsettling though."

"How was it unsettling?"

"The man with a frog-looking face looked like Choi Minho."

"Choi Minho?"

"Kris hyung was helping me last week." Tao jumped in. "And I was helping a girl find a boyfriend, so I saw this boy, his name was 'Choi Minho'." Tao quickly explained. Suho nodded.

"Well... You might as well report this to Ryeowook hyung."

"Wait, Suho!"


"Why are you.... So sensitive about frogs?"


Suho bit his lips. "Umm... I... Had an allergy to frogs when I.... Was human! Yes that's it!" Suho laughed. Kris eyes Suho suspiciously. "Well.... We might as well ask Ryeowook hyung about that girl who wanted to freeze Choi Minho." Tao said.

Suho walked away, still traumatized from frogs.


Heh suho is afraid of frogs here


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