Chapter 21: Hicicle

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Man, I am so disappointed in Tao. I cannot believe he was devastated about Kris leaving, and promised not to leave. But now... What is he doing? I don't hate him, I'm only very disappointed in him.


Suho opened every door of the castle, until there was only one left. For some reason, he felt uneasy about that room. Like there was something shocking in there.

What could it be? Frogs? Suho shuddered at the thought.

"Yah, have you searched out all of the rooms yet?" Xiumin asked as soon as he saw Suho. He scratched his hair.

"Well... There is only one left."


"That room." Suho said, and pointed to the simple blue door in which he has not opened yet.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Open it!" Xiumin said and pushed Suho, causing him to land on the door and open it very loudly.

"What?! Who's there?!" A voice of a girl chirped, with a quite high tone. Hearing a girl's voice, the guardians rushed to see what's going on.

Slowly, Suho lifted up his head and widened his eyes.

He could not believe what he just saw.

A hicicle.

A real live female hicicle, living in an ice castle.

He never knew he could find one.

As Jessica saw the 8 men in her bedroom doorway, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jessica screamed and scrambled to get up from her bed.

"All of you! FREEZE!" Jessica said and held out her hands with a look that would want to murder you. All 8 guardians froze, surprised to see a woman at such a place.

"Excuse me..." Lay broke the silence. Jessica took a sharp turn at him, maintaining her murderous look.

"But.. Are you, perhaps, a hicicle?" Lay asked. "Well, what does it look like?! Is that all you came here for?!" Jessica shrieked.

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, lady! We are only here because we thought our friend, Kris, was living here!" Baekhyun said. Jessica changed her murderous look to a normal look.

'Huh? Kris? .... Does he mean the Kris who came here?" Jessica thought. "By Kris... Do you perhaps, mean, a blonde man with a handsome face?" Jessica asked. They all nodded. Jessica bit her lip.

"Well... He did come to visit me a few times.."

"What? Kris is picking up chicks?"

"And.. he did visit me yesterday, but... I have no idea where he went, when he went out I heard a few screaming but I think it was just my imagination.."

"Wait, you heard screaming? What kind of screaming?"

"Well... They were kinda screams for help.."


The guardians huddled together to discuss.

"What do you guys think? Screams for help? It must be something important, then!"

"Oh come on, she could easily be fooling us! I heard that hicicles are evil!"

"Why would they be evil? That makes no sense!"

"Let's just think for a moment, guys! What if those screams for help were Kris, Yeol's and Luhan's?"

"Why would they scream for help?"

"Remember the time Luhan transformed into a huge polar bear in the forest to prank people? He fainted at that time, because he used too much of his power! What if that happened again this time? What if Chanyeol transformed Luhan into a huge flying creature with Kris and then Luhan fainted causing them to fall down?"

"That's a great point, Minseok hyung? But where would they fall to?"

"Let's ask the pretty lady!"

The guardians unhuddled and faced Jessica.

"Ok, we've got some questions for you, lady!"


"Is there anything below this mountain?"

"A forest, why do you ask?"

"We have to go, bye!"

The 8 guardians scrambled back outside and quickly rode Kyungsoo's sled.


"So now I come to you.... With Open Arms!" Luhan happily sang as Yeol kept piggybacking him. "Can you do something now, Luhan hyung?" Kris asked. "Ermmm, I can't transform into anything that will help us, sorry!" Luhan said. Kris sighed.

"I guess we really have to wait a month... I'm sorry, Chanyeol."

"Stop saying sorry! You've said that the 26th time today!"

"I know, I know. I just feel guilty that you can't help your dream girl's dream."

"Guys, let us look on the bright side here!" Luhan said. "What is the bright side?" Kris asked. Luhan paused and pondered.

"Erm... Maybe there IS no bright side." Luhan said and laughed awkwardly. "Yah, did you guys hear that?" Yeol asked. "Hear what?" Kris and Luhan said in unison.

"I heard someone, which kinda sounds like Tao shouting 'Kris hyung'."

"Oh, does that mean they're looking for us?!" Luhan asked. "Hyung, can you turn into a bird?" Yeol asked. Luhan nodded. "It won't really affect me, so I guess I can." He said. Luhan quickly unmounted Chanyeol and turned into a bird. And quickly flew away into the sky.

"... Hopefully, he'll come back with the guardians." Kris said.


Maalaala mo kayaaaaaa

That was a song btw, a Filipino song. Yep.

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