Chapter 28: Fight

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Yoona kept on walking, frustrated with her many jackets, she took them all off to try and be quicker.

"Yah, what are you doing?! You're gonna get sick!" Sehun yelled at her. "I don't care, these jackets are slowing me down!" Yoona yelled back. Sehun snorted.

"Jackets won't effect your speed, idiot!" Sehun told Yoona. Yoona didn't listen to him and kept walking.

Frustrated, Sehun grabbed Yoona's wrist and made her face him.

"Yah, listen, you're gonna get a cold without your jackets! Plus, our speed doesn't matter!" Sehun told Yoona. She scoffed.

"You really don't know how this is so important to me, do you?"

"Listen. Kris Frost is NOT real! He's a stupid myth created for kids, and by kids, ONLY kids! You're too old for Kris Frost, why can't you get over him?"

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO IN MY LIFE!" Yoona screamed at Sehun. "Aish, that girl... How is her foot even healed?!" Sehun asked himself, and quickly followed her.

Yoona ran off to a nearby cave, and started crying silently. Sehun's words hurted because they seemed like they were true. It seemed that Kris Frost was just a figment of her imagination. Nothing more than a myth created with imagination.

It was the first time Yoona and Sehun had an actual fight.


Seventeen watched in awe as they saw a crying girl running to a cave. A crying girl in an ice mountain? This they gotta see.

"I'm not coming." Said Jeonghan. "Waeyo?" Asked Hoshi. "We should respect that girl's privacy, guys." Jeonghan told them. "Oh please, hyung is no fun." Dino whined. "Yeah, Jeonghan hyung! You got no jams!" Vernon dissed Jeonghan, as Dino and Hoshi snickered.

"Well, we'll be going now, Jeonghan!" Joshua told Jeonghan as they climbed off Kyungsoo's sled. (Which they asked permission for this time.)

Seungcheol slightly peeked from the cave's corner, to find a girl crying silently. Suddenly, Woozi pushed Minghao into Seungcheol, causing Minghao and Seungcheol to collide with each other right outside the cave. The girl stopped crying and looked up. Minghao and Seungcheol became flustered.

"Umm.... Uhh..." They struggled to find words to say.

".... Sehun? Is that you?" The girl asked since she was in the dark part of the cave.

"Uh... Yes! This is Sehun!" Minghao lowered his voice and said. "Why does your voice sound weird?" The girl asked.

"Because.... Uh... I kinda got sick!" Minghao said again.

"Yah, apologize!"


"Apologize for what you have done!"

"GET OFF ME, MINGHAO!" Seungcheol shouted and pushed Minghao off him.

"WHO IS THAT WITH YOU?!" She asked, surprised.

"That's my.... Uhh... Little buddy I met! He was casually climbing the mountain and his name is S. Coups!"

Dino and Hoshi snickered together, while Joshua just questioned the fact that he called him "S. Coups".

"You're not really Sehun, are you?"

"Huh? No no no, I am THE Sehun."

"THE Sehun? Well then, prove it."


"Isn't Sehun the name of the prince in EXO kingdom?" Mingyu whispered. "Ahh!" Minghao snapped his fingers.

"I am Prince Sehun of EXO kingdom!"

"Everyone knows that, fine then. I'll ask you a question."

Minghao gulped.

"Who did we meet on our way to this mountain?"

Seventeen stiffened.

They were totally screwed.


I am disappointed that Hollywood Choice was fake. EXO-Ls really worked hard. D:

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