Chapter 27: Development

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I named this chapter development because it's focused on developing KrisSica's relationship. Y'know, since their relationship is moving slowly and surely. Like, who get's a boyfriend in one week? Lol


Once again, Kris was pestering Jessica. Just because he can. Yeah, maybe he was pestering Jessica for no reason at all. But he feels that he has to. You know?

"You know BoA unnie, right?"

"The woman of the sun? Yeah, I know."

"She is the woman of the sun?"

"Obviously, she's Ryeowook hyung's sister."

"Who's Ryeowook?"

Kris looked at Jessica with an "are-you-kidding" face, but then decided to give her the golden book Ryeowook gave him. (Which he spent hours looking for a while ago since he threw it away.)

"Hmmm? What's this?"

"Read it." Kris said and leaned over to flip a page. Jessica blushed as Kris leaned close to her.

"There, now read it." Kris said and diverted Jessica's attention to the book.

"In a beautiful world called the Cross-Tale world, there were 2 gods called Ryeowook and BoA. Ryeowook appeared in the image of a moon, and BoA appeared in the image of a sun. These 2 gods are siblings, and have decided to manage the Cross-Tale world together."

Jessica suddenly became engrossed in the book, and Kris just stared as she bit her lip while reading the book, with eyes moving everywhere. Kris smiled at how beautiful he thought Jessica was.

Suddenly, a bucket full of milk poured over Kris.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" voices of various teens sounded. Kris cringed, he knew exactly who's voices those belonged to.

"SEVENTEEN!" Kris screamed in anger. They suddenly appeared in front of the castle and waved.

"Yah, how did you guys even get here?!" Kris asked. Of course, Jessica was too engrossed in the book to notice. "We asked Kai hyung where you were, and he said an ice castle near Shidae Kingdom, so we stole Kyungsoo hyung's sled and went here." Vernon simply stated. Kris' eyes widened.

"You STOLE Kyungsoo's sled?!"

"We know, please don't tell him, hyung!! We beg of you!"

"Aish, once he finds out his sled is gone he will RAGE!"

Meanwhile, in the guardian headquarters...

Kyungsoo opened the door to his sled room, only to find his most precious sled gone.

"Yah! Baekhyun!"

"Bwo? Need anything, Kyungsoo?"

"Where is my sled?! Did you steal it again?!"

"Whoa, calm down Mr. Potato! I know I steal your sleds a lot but I promise, I didn't steal it this time! Believe me." Baekhyun said. Kyungsoo scoffed.

"But.... I did see the guardian apprentices coming in this room a while ago."

"Achoo!" Seventeen sneezed all together. "Why'd you all sneeze?!" Kris asked. "I feel that someone is talking about us." Mingyu said.

Jessica finally looked up from her book.

"Hey, it's these boys!" Jessica exclaimed. Seventeen waved. "We came because we were hungry." Seungkwan stated.

"You're hungry? Come on inside! I, uh... Only have ice cream, are you guys okay with that?"

"Ice cream?! Hell yeah!" Seventeen cheered together. Kris rolled his eyes. "But you guys are supposed to be training!" He said. "There's a thing called later, hyung!" Woozi told Kris as he followed Seventeen inside the castle.

"Aish! One day, I will kill those boys!" Kris ranted as he followed them inside.

"Thank you for the meal!" Seventeen said as they digged in their meals. Jessica smiled, while Kris just rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I have been meaning to ask you two something." Seungcheol, the eldest said. "Mm. What is it?" Jessica asked.

"I have always wondered... Are hyung and you dating?"

Jessica and Kris instantly froze at that question.

"Uhh... No?" Kris said. Seventeen looked at them with suspicion in their eyes. "Really. We aren't." Kris said. Seventeen just rolled their eyes.

They surely knew the truth more than Kris and Jessica did.


"Thanks again for the meal, Jessica noona!" Vernon said as he instantly rode Kyungsoo's sled along with the other Seventeen boys. "We will visit again soon!" They shouted as they instantly rode off.

"So.... Dating, huh?" Jessica asked. Kris blushed deep red.

"Don't... Think about it too much." He said and looked away. Jessica pouted.

'What's with him?' She thought.


Seventeen slowly but surely sneaked into Kyungsoo's sled room.

"Quickly, quickly put it back!" Seungcheol whispered for Wonwoo, Mingyu, Jun, Minghao, Joshua, Woozi, DK and Seungkwan to carefully put the sled back on it's platform.

But sadly, Kyungsoo had to come.

And then chaos happened.




Yes, dearest lord Chitoge is making Seventeen suffer under Kyungsoo's wrath.

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