Awkward Encounters- Frodo

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Requested by: LionessSister

You were walking around the marketplace of Hobbiton, looking for something fresh to serve at dinner tonight when you happened to look over and see Frodo quickly avoiding your gaze. You shrugged, he always happened to show up to most places that you went. Of course he wasn't stalking you, Hobbiton was a small city and you always seemed to run into friendly faces, but whenever you saw him... You didn't know, you would meet his gaze and he would blush and turn the other direction.

You didn't know Frodo personally, you were on what most would call, a first name basis. You knew his name, I mean, who wouldn't. He went missing for two years and came back with gifts from men and elves, maybe even dwarves.

But you knew Merry, he always seemed to be lagging behind Frodo at a distance, looking frustrated for that matter. You would see them together when they entered the marketplace, gardens, or the forest and next thing you know Frodo is walking by you alone.

"My Lady?" The hobbit in front of you snapped. "Is this all?"

"Oh, sorry." You broke your gaze from Frodo and looked back at the fruit stand. "Yes, this is it." The clerk put your items in your basket.

"That'll be two silver pennies." He held out his hand and you dug out the coins, silently remarking how overpriced food was now. Well, the Shire was still recovering from all the burning and lack of care due to hobbits being captured by orcs. It was weird how Frodo was gone for all of that and came back shortly after it stopped. Maybe he had something to do with it? Or maybe it was one of his companions too? Sam? Pippin? Maybe even Merry?

You shook your head and walked away.

"You know I am sick of watching you trying to impress her at a distance." Speaking of Merry... You heard his voice and slowed your pace. "It's not my fault you are too shy to say hello."

There was a quiet reply you didn't hear.

"You carried a ring of destruction across Middle Earth! The least you could do is introduce yourself, who knows, maybe you and Y/n could become friends."

You were shocked. Frodo liked you? That would explain the blushing...

But now that you though of it he was very cute... His bright blue eyes and curly hair always seemed to stop some ladies. But he also seemed very kind, you weren't a woman who cared just about looks. You were mostly attracted to personality, that's what mattered in the long run.

You were once again so lost in your thoughts that you didn't realize the small crush forming on Frodo and Merry's next comment.

"There she is! Here's your chance!" Merry shoved Frodo towards you, and the poor hobbit lost his balance, bumping into you and causing you both to fall to the ground. You landed onto the gravel pathway and met Frodo's gaze.

Your eyes widened with shock as you realized, that when Frodo hit the ground, his hands landed on your breasts!

He seemed to notice that too because all the watchers took in loud gasps. The poor hobbit's eyes widened in embarrassment as he hastily lifted himself up, awkwardly trying to figure out if he should leave his hands in his pockets or at his side.

"I-I'm sorry sorry!" He blurted, ask you picked yourself up and dusted yourself up. "I- I was pushed, a-and I didn't catch myself. I'm so sorry." He rambled on and on, his face red.

"It's okay." You giggled, feeling very awkward now. You bent down to retrieve your basket which had been flung out of your hands. All the fruits were pretty much squished and the meats were ruined. You sighed and scavenged what you could.

"I am, really sorry." Frodo bent down to help you. "My name is Frodo."


It was clear you both knew each other's names but... it was a start.

"I- I guess your dinner is ruined now." He forced a chuckle.

"Yeah." You smiled, trying to keep it positive.

"W-well, my birthday party is tonight, maybe could you come?"

You pondered the though for a moment. You didn't have any plans tonight and maybe you could get to know Frodo better.


Time skip brought to you by Gandalf's clockworks. You can never be late and arrive precisely when you are supposed to.

At the party you found yourself sticking to the edges. You weren't exactly a popular hobbit, respectable, but not popular. You barely knew anybody except for Merry, Pippin, and Frodo. Kind of.

"Y/n." Merry gave you a smirk.

"It was you that pushed Frodo into me."

"I won't doubt it." He chuckled.

"Why?" You questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? He likes you."

"Of course he doesn-"

"And I have a feeling that you like him too."

"Nonsense." You snapped.

"And I have a feeling that a slow song will be on soon."

As if on cue the music changed and hobbits left the dance floor and returned with a lucky lad or lass. Then you saw Frodo edge his way towards you, a few women tried to approach him but he turned them down.

"I was wondering if I could have this dance?" He held his hand out to you, and you took it. "This was the least I could do, after today." He smiled nervously.

"It's okay, no hard feelings." You returned the smile. You two fell into the rhythm of the music and swayed to the beat.

You were quiet for a bit, as if pondering what to say next. Eventually, it turned into a conversation about your lives. What you did for a living... What you did for fun... And what you did during the past two years. You had to admit, Frodo's story was more interesting than yours.

And then the dreaded silence came back. You looked up to his eyes and watched as they sparkled in the lantern light, you felt like you had nothing left to say.

You two rotated in a small circle as another slow song came on, and your fingers were laced together. There was no doubt that your small crush on Frodo had turned into something more. Still swaying with the music he lifted his hands to cup your face and he leaned down. By now you could feel your heart beating against your chest. He brushed his lips against your as a sweet starter of what was to come. You pressed your lips to his as if there was no one else in Middle Earth but you two.

All of your thoughts vanished and you couldn't think. Your both moved in sync, as if you were the mirror of the other. The noises, the dancing disappeared.

"Get a room you two, I mean seriously!" Merry's laughter echoed into your focus and you and Frodo broke away from each other. "The activities that happen in the bedroom, stay in the bedroom."

"Merry!" You protested. What was his problem? It was only kissing. He let out maniac laughter and ran off to take shelter behind Pippin. You looked back to Frodo and blushed. "I best be going home now anyways."

"May I escort you?" He held out his arm for you to take.


Crap ending, oh well. (Reminder: there won't be any "activity" at the house. That was just Merry a first-kiss-ruiner.)

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