Chapter 3

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I woke up at 11, thankfully it was a Saturday. I didn't smell pancakes though. Oh well, I made my own breakfast.

"Will all girls ages 15 through 17, please come to the lobby." the devil came on the intercom. I put on my regular attire and walked downstairs to the lobby.

"Today, 6 men are here in one group, but only 2 are adopting, they are a gay couple. If you are uncomfortable, please leave." out of all 14, there was now only 3.

"Ok. You will have 15 minutes with them."

First was Grace Fernal, when she came out, she had a smirk on her face. Then was Valerie Hampton, she looked like she was going to punch something, or someone. Then I want in the room.

"Hey there, again." I looked at them. My smile widened.

"Hey, guys. I'm really surprised to even see you come here." I sat down. They asked me a few questions, mostly we were fooling around. I walked out so they could decide. I had my fingers crossed in hope that it would be me.

Chester's point of view

When Tyler left, we were deciding.

"I would love Tyler, but I like Grace a little more." Joe complained.

"So this doesn't end up in a fight, let's do a majority vote." Mike said.

"Great idea, babe." I kissed Mike's cheek.

"Ok. Raise your hand if you want to adopt Tyler." everyone but Joe raised their hands.

"That settles it. Plus, we came here for Tyler anyways." we walked into the lobby.

"We have come to a final decision." Grace looked like she was about to jump out of her seat. I was looking at her then Tyler, who was looking straight at me.

"We are going to adopt-" Grace cut me off.

"Why thank you so much."

"Sorry, love. I was about to say that we are taking Tyler home." Tyler jumped out of her seat and hugged me.

"WHAT?! YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT BITCH HOME, I'M BETTER!" she started kicking and screaming "no".

"Wow. I'm happy we didn't adopt you." Joe mumbled.

"Want me and Mike to help you pack?" Tyler nodded her head. We went to her room. It was very simple, but awesome at the same time. There were posters of our band and she had a bunch of worn out shirts. We packed and went to the car.

"No goodbyes?" I asked.

"Hell no, man. Everyone hates me here." I saw someone walk up behind her.

"You're wrong on that. I'm going to miss you." the boy behind her said, he hugged her then she got in the car. Brad was driving his car with Joe and Rob. While Phoenix was driving with Mike was sitting in the front, with me and Tyler in the back.

"So, who's last name am I getting?" she asked.

"Either mine or Mike's. Since we are dating, it doesn't matter."

"And I'll take your name. Tyler Bennington sounds way better." I smiled at her.

Adopted by Linkin Park (Bennoda) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now