Chapter 26

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"Tyler, why don't you come back to your real father?" someone in the shadows asked me.

"Mike and Chester are my fathers, not you," I said.

"They are your dads? No. They don't love you, none of them do." he came from the shadows. Memories of Sean came into my head, and they weren't good.

Memories of him hitting my mom and me. Memories of him coming home late at night and yelling at me for not being a boy.

"You don't love me. They don't hit me. They don't yell at me for not being who you want me to be. They love me for me."

"No, they don't. They are using you for publicity."

"They are not!" I screamed.

Sean faded away so all my surroundings were black.

"Tyler? Wake up, sweetie."

I opened my eyes, Dad was sitting next to me on my bed. I wrapped my arms around him.

"It's ok. Everything's alright." he kissed my forehead.

"Dad, what if Sean tries to come and get me or Chester." I felt him tense up and take a deep breath.

"Then we will do everything to get you back. I won't let him take you two," he whispered.

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too. Do you want to sleep with me and Chester?" I nodded. He carried me to his bedroom and laid me between the two of them. I fell asleep with no dreams.

Adopted by Linkin Park (Bennoda) *ON HOLD*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu