Chapter 56

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I sat with Shannon and we watched some cartoons, I could hear yelling from downstairs. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't help but listen.

"You're just going to dump me? Over a brat?!" Anna screamed and I heard something crash, probably a dish.

"She's not a brat! She's an amazing girl. Are you seriously jealous of her hanging out with me? She is my niece!"

"Yes, because her dad was a whore and she probably is too." I made a weird face.

"Which dad is the question." I said to myself. Shannon reached over and played with my hair. 

"Don't listen to them. She'll leave soon enough." I drowned out the yelling and soon it was quiet. After our show was over, I went downstairs and Jason was cleaning up broken glass on the floor.

"Well, I found out she wasn't dating me for me, so there's that. But it's ok, there's more fish in the sea. Rob was trying to get me with this other girl anyways." Jason tried to laugh it off. I helped him clean up the mess and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, uncle Jason."

"It's not your fault. I just have rose tint glasses. I'll learn someday to detect red flags. Anyways, I believe your dads are supposed to take you out, so go get ready for that." I nodded and went upstairs to change. I walked into my dads room. They were sitting on the bed waiting.

"You alright, hon?" Chester asked me.

"Yea, I'm good. Just helped Jason clean up." he nodded and we got in our car.

"So where are we going?" I asked them.

"We are going to see a movie and some dinner. Spend some quality time with our kid." Mike smiled.

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