Chapter 41

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We finished playing Nightmare when Matt made the crowd quiet.

"Ok, guys. This is our last song, it's So Far Away. I want my friend Tyler to come up here and sing it with me." Tyler ran on stage and stood next to me and Matt.

The crowd went wild. I handed her my mic and backed away as they started singing.

When they were done, Linkin Park came on. Tyler wanted to stay with me and Brian.

Zacky walked into the dressing room as we were playing video games.

"How can a girl beat you guys at this? And you guys are like the masters!" he shouted.

"Shut up. I learned from my uncle Jason." Ty laughed.

"He is really good at it, though." Mike came in.

"Hey, Dad." she smiled at him.

"Hey, kiddo. Chaz and Brad are on the bus if you want to hang out with them. Unless you want to stay here."

"I'm comfy," she stated.

"Ok, I'll see you later." he kissed her head.

We resumed playing.

"I guess I should be going back to the bus. It was awesome meeting and hanging out with you guys." she hugged us.

"If you ever want a day with your second favorite band, just tell Mike or Chester to give us a call," Matt told her as she hugged him. She laughed and nodded.

When she left, my phone rang, and I groaned.

"I'll take that." Brian took it from my hands and answered it. He knows I hate talking to my ex, Kylie.

Adopted by Linkin Park (Bennoda) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now