Dad and Forgiveness

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Rehearsals went on and on, I was off cue and couldn't get my lines right.

A few of the students even whispered behind my back that I wasn't right for the role and that Miss Paula only chose me, because she likes me.

I had a lot of personal stuff to think about. My dad wanted to take me out since he was on a business trip here in New York.

I haven't spoken to him since the day that he told us about the divorce. I still felt heartbroken by what he did and the reasons he gave for his infidelity. He could have at least tried harder to work it out.

"Zenè, where the hell is your mind?" I could hear that Miss Paula was getting angrier at the moment.

This was ultimately my final chance to prove to everyone that I was worthy of this role.

"I am sorry, Miss Paula. I will be on time."

"From the top."


"Why do you keep telling me that you love me? But you keep hanging on to Maci's lips."

Jacki let loose and hit Joe across the face, making him grab his cheek in pain.

"I love both of you, but you are right, I should choose."

Everyone left the stage and Jacki were left alone on stage. Jacki sat down on a bench; the lights got turned off and on again, and Jacki was nowhere to be seen.

"That was perfect everyone; we will finish this tomorrow." Miss Paula sang out in a singsong voice.

I didn't hang around longer than I had to. I ran back to my dorm to take a shower because I needed to get ready for dinner with dad.

I got back to the room, and Aralynne was on her bed listening to music. She took her earphones out of her ears and looked at me while I was getting ready.

"Where are you going Z?"

"Going to meet my dad for dinner."

"You don't look happy."

"No ... not really, it's just difficult for me to forgive him for what he has done."

"Why can't you forgive him?"

The expression on my face turned to sadness.

"My parents are getting a divorce." I gave her a fake smile.

"My parents are also divorced Z, and you know what? It's better that way. They are great friends now. They hated each other when they were together, always fighting about nitty-gritty stuff."

Aralynne gave me a crooked smile. I always thought that her parents were still together.

"I am sorry, I didn't know."

"No worries, It's nothing."

I finished getting dressed and looked at the time. Dad will be here within the next couple of minutes.

"Got to go, my dad will be here in a few."

"Enjoy, I'll be here when you get back."

I walked out of the room and headed outside to where dad already stood waiting with a big smile on his face.

"Hi dad. You're early."

"Hallo sweetheart. Yes, I could not wait to see you. I missed you so much." He opened the car door for me.

"Dad? I can't, I'm not ready yet. Let's take a short walk."

Fifteen minutes later dad sped off, and I ran up to my room. I need to talk to someone. I walked in and found Aralynne still sitting in the same spot.

"What is wrong? Did your dad cancel?"

"No, I just couldn't do it. I am not ready yet."

"Did you, at least, talk to him?"

"Yeah, but maybe I will forgive him over time, but I just will not be able to forget."

"Thing is Z, that two sort of go hand in hand. Not that you will ever really forget, but you'll accept that it happened and move on. You'll accept that all people make mistakes. No one is perfect." Aralynne whispered.

"And what if you can't?" She watched a bee buzz past her.

"What ... what if I can't ever really forgive him?"

"Then you let go." She said and touched my hand

She remembered how she'd hugged her father when he'd come to see her and told her he was sorry. While it had been hard, even painful, hugging him had felt right.

She wasn't ready to let go of what they'd had. It would hurt too much.

Aralynne was right, I had to make things right with my dad, but for now, I just needed time to work through it on my own.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now