Family Secrets 4

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"Hey Zeester, do you want to hang out today?" LJ's voice came from downstairs.

I was sitting on my bed, playing the guitar that dad got me for my sixteenth birthday.

I put my guitar back in its bag, running downstairs. LJ and I never hung out together, because we always ended up fighting about stupid things.

Everyone was running around inside the house, finding something to do. Mom was busy with the laundry.

Lucan was sitting on the couch, watching some football game, he could never sit still, but if he watched his favorite sport on TV, he could sit there for hours.

Jess was busy on her laptop with a new case she got before she left London. She was as attached to her job just like dad was.

"Sure, why not I have nothing better to do."

I got into the car and buckled up my seat belt. LJ was cautious about safety and the rules of the road.

"What are we doing today brother?"

"We are going to the movies."

"Cool, what are we going to watch?"

"Some zombie movie that came out last week."

Because we lived in such a small town, the same movies usually showed for two months.

"You know I don't like scary movies, right?" I gave him one of my awkward smiles.

"I know, but it's the only thing that is showing right now," LJ said in a husky voice.

"It's fine, as long as I don't have to stay at home. Everyone there is so lifeless. What if they are zombies LJ?" I motioned to him.

"Don't be silly Z. You and your wild imagination, but that's what makes you special." LJ didn't show much emotion.

When Nick passed away, he didn't even cry, he always said that crying was for babies. No one ever knew how LJ felt.

"Remember that time we watched scary movies and you couldn't sleep." LJ brought me back to reality.

"Yeah, like it happened yesterday."

I was only six years old, and we decided to watch 'Saw.' Mom and dad told us not to watch it, knowing that I was going to have nightmares, but if you are still little kids you don't ever listen to your parents, you do what you want to do at that stage of your life.

That night LJ and I decided to watch the movie after everyone else was asleep. Like you can guess, I had nightmares. Not just one, a lot.

I decided then to go downstairs. I opened the fridge door and decided to sleep on the counter in the kitchen.

My whole family walked in on me the next morning, giving me such a fright that I fell off the countertop.

When we got to the movies, we got our tickets and snacks and went inside. We got the seats at the back of the theater and waited for the movie to begin.

The movie started, but I didn't really focus on it since my mind was too busy thinking about other things.

After the movie LJ drove down to the games arcade, or as we like to call it the nerd hangout.

"I see that someone is going to sleep in the kitchen again tonight."

"No, I'm not, I am a grown up now I am not six anymore." I started laughing.

I looked over at LJ his eyes were so focused on the road that he didn't even feel me staring at him.

"LJ can I ask you something?"

"Sure Z anything."

"Do you think that Mom and Dad..." I got cut off by his sudden remark.

"Don't ask me that, Lucan and Jess asked me and I don't want to hear it again. I am not going to give my opinion about them, they are grown-ups, they will work it out." I could see the anger in his face.

"I understand." I turned to face the window again.

When we arrived at the arcade, LJ played a few games and so did I. We finished playing and decided to go home.

The drive home was quiet; LJ was still mad. I could see the expression on his face.

We arrived home, and I gave LJ a hug, thanking him for everything. He was stiff as a board and only returned the hug out of necessity. We didn't even speak after that.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into my pj's.

So I won't be posting another chapter until next week or so.

I decided to give you a little inside of my brain, so the next thing I post is that.

I want to tell you more about my characters and how I got their names and why they mean a lot to me.

Please vote for my story if you like it.

*Stay sweet Xoxo .

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now