Zenè Part 3

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The week went by really quickly and before I could say tic tac toe, I was in New York.

Breathing in the fresh air of the big city life. This is where I wanted to be, no matter what, I belonged here and nowhere else.

I walked to my dorm, trying to find my room, not knowing what it was going to be like living with someone I don't know.

All these questions popped into my head.

"Is she clean? Does she fart? Does she sleepwalk? Does she snore?"

Maybe I should stop overthinking it and just give it a chance; maybe she is not that bad, and if I don't like her, I could always get another room.

I put my bags down on the empty bed and decided that I was going for a walk around campus, to see where all my classes are so that I won't struggle the next day when I had to go to class.

I walked past the drama class where this girl was sitting giving orders to everyone I thought that I would never be friends with someone like her.

She is too bossy and arrogant. As I was walking down the hallway, this boy with dark hair and green eyes bumped into me.

"Sorry." He said quickly, running off to the drama class and he handed the queen, or that is what she thought she was her coffee.

People like that irritated the living daylights out of me. I can't stand them when they think the sun is shining out of their butts.

I left the building, not knowing where I was going.

I walked around when I decided to go and get a coffee from Starbucks since everyone always talked about it.

I stood in line when this arrogant dude comes past me cutting in and ordering his coffee.

"Excuse me? Do you mind? I was here before you." I said really loudly.

He just looked at me confused. A few girls came up to him and asked him for his autograph.

Weird, I thought, who is he? And where does he come from? He looked at me like he was going to kiss me, but if he knew what was good for him, he would not even attempt it.

"Sorry babes for cutting past you, but I am in quite a hurry" He winked at me and went out the door.

Who does he think he is? Some kind of pop star? Why did those girls ask him for his autograph? It's like I missed something, people in New York are so weird, and I liked it.

I had to say he was cute. He is tall; he had dark brown kind of black, curly hair and green eyes that can just make your knees go weak.

When he smiled, dimples were displayed on his cheeks. OH! And he also has a lot of tattoos on his arms. Stop thinking about him, he is a jerk.

"Can I take your order?" The girl behind the counter asked.

"One Caramel Macchiato and a Blueberry muffin please," I said and gave her a smile.

"Your order will be ready in a few minutes." She looked past me at the next customer.

"Thanks." I quickly stood to the side.

While waiting, I heard a lot of people talking, and I looked over at everyone.

In the one corner, a group of businessmen was sitting and working on their laptops.

A few tables from the side sat a group of girls, laughing and talking.

The smell of coffee in the air was amazing. I could stay here all day and not drink any coffee, just sit here and enjoy the smell.

My order came up, I took it and went outside. I quickly inhaled the fresh air.

I liked it here, it was like I was home for the first time in my life. It felt like I belonged somewhere.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now