Reality and The Truth

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I woke up with a smile on my face, the image of Niall kissing me still fresh on my mind and it happened more than once that he kissed me.

I thought of every time, every moment that he kissed me and each kiss was better than the first.

I could still feel his soft lips on mine, every movement, every touch, burnt into my memory.

Movement caught my attention, and I saw that Aralynne was awake, I watched her move around, busy fiddling with something in her drawer. I could hear her sobs as she was crying.

She turned around with a photo frame in her trembling hands, her sobs became harder, and she dropped the frame.

I jumped out of my bed and rushed over to her side. I stood next to her as she kneeled down and started to pick up the pieces of glass, following her actions, I kneeled beside her and helped her. Her hands were shaking badly, and she began to cry harder.

"Why did it have to be Alex? Zenè why I ask you?" Her voice sounded hoarse like she was crying non-stop without any sleep.

"Why? What happened to him? What happened to ... with Alex?" I was still confused by why she was sad about Alex, he hasn't been back and it was starting to worry me as well.

"He ... he passed away, he was on flight 108, the ... the plane that crashed. It ... it should have been me. Not him!"

That is when it dawned on me, tears formed in my eyes and I took Aralynne in my arms and hugged her tight without saying a word. My heart was breaking for my friend.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? You should have told me."

"It ... I didn't want you to see me cry."

"I am your friend A, I don't care how you look when you cry."

"Thanks for being my friend Z." Her cries were a little bit under control, but her whole body was shaking.

I just kept holding Aralynne in my arms, she was my friend, and I have to be there for her. I know how it feels to lose someone in my life, even if it's someone you really cared for.

"I just wish you knew how I felt Z."

"I actually might have an idea."

I let go of Aralynne, and I moved away from her on the carpet, being careful of the broken glass that was still on the floor. I took one of the big pieces and held it in my hand, making sure that it didn't hurt me.

"I don't usually talk about this, but since you brought it up. I have lost someone close to me, someone, I really loved." Tears were forming in my eyes, and I had to wipe them away.

"Who is it Zenè?"

"My brother, his name is Nick. He passed away when he was doing active duty in the Army, you know what the really sad part is, he had a wife and two kids." Tears were falling on my cheeks.

"I am sorry, I didn't know."

"I don't like to talk about it, so yeah, I do understand how you feel, sometimes I just wish he was still alive."

It was hard for me to talk about Nick, but it was good to get it off my chest and to tell a friend about it.

Aralynne and I bonded a little bit more after talking about all these things. It was tough to see her like this, but I knew that I could stand by her through this tough time in her life.

We quickly finished cleaning up all the broken glass and stood up from the floor.

Aralynne sat down on her bed and glared at me as if she wanted to tell me something but I could hear her choking on each word.

"Zenè, will ... will you and Niall, you know? ... please go to the f ...funeral with me? I ... will ask Zayn as well. I just don't want to do this on my own."

"Yes, of course. When is the funeral?"


"We'll be there and don't worry about rehearsals. I will tell Miss Paula everything."

I gave her one last hug and hastily ran downstairs. I knew that I would be late for rehearsals, but I didn't care because I know that Miss Paula would understand.

Nevertheless, I still rushed to class as fast as I could.

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

A New Life, A Big Change {N.H} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now