Date Night and Memories

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Aralynne came into the room, and I could see the tear stains on her cheeks. She didn't say a word, she didn't even look at me. She just got into her bed, I could hear her near silent cries.

I took my wallet from my closet and placed it into a backpack with the new book that I was reading.

I decided to go to the shops to buy myself something to wear. I had to look good for tonight.

I know that I didn't have to make a lot of effort cause Niall likes me just the way I am, but still, I wanted to look good for him.

I walked into this cute little shop that was nicely decorated with all kinds of feathers and bows.

I decided to start searching around for something to wear and eventually, after a few hours, I finally had a few bags with things in it.

I strolled along and found a bench near a fountain. Getting out my book 'Strangers Tide'.

I didn't want to go back to the dorm just yet, wanting to give Aralynne some space.

A message came through on my phone, and I removed my phone from my backpack to see who it was.

Dress comfortably, please. No heels, please. I'll give you a clue about what we are going to do or rather, what I have planned. It involves kicking. See you soon.

I quickly texted Niall back. Don't worry, I don't wear heels. Can't wait, see you soon.

Before I knew, it was already four o'clock, and I had to get back to the dorm. Niall was picking me up at six, and I had to get ready.

When I got back to my room, I removed my new clothes from the shopping bags and lay it out on my bed.

A brand spanking new pair of jeans, black sneakers and a pink girly girl shirt with a big bow on it, with a cheesy slogan saying, 'will you be my bow.'

I grabbed my towel and looked over at Aralynne's bed, and I could see that she was still fast asleep. I headed for the showers, in need of one.

The lukewarm water was exactly what I needed, it was really soothing and relieved most of the tension in my neck and shoulders.

It made me think about what Niall told me about what he had planned. I felt that fluttering of butterflies in my stomach again. What if he is the one for me?

I finished up in the shower and walked back into my room still thinking of Niall and our upcoming date.

I walked into my room and got dressed as quietly as I could, not wanting to disturb Aralynne.

I splashed on a few drops of perfume to smell good just before heading out the door.

Niall was already outside the dorm waiting, standing against his Black Range Rover, trying to look cool.

He pushed away from his car when I stopped in front of him, he then wrapped me up in such a tight hug that my feet were no longer touching the ground.

How could someone be so happy to see you when they already saw you earlier that morning? But I didn't mind. I hugged him back enjoying the hug even more.

He finally put me down, still holding me close, looked me straight in the eyes, giving me butterflies once more.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked softly.

"Sure, so what do you have planned for us?

"Didn't you figure it out from the clue that I gave you?"

"To be honest? I didn't give it much thought."

"It involves kicking and that's all I am saying Miss Carter." He looked at me and then back at the road again. The whole time he had a smile on his face.

"Why do you call me Miss Carter, Niall?" I wanted to know, it was sweet that he called me something that no one close to me has ever called me, except for teachers.

"I want to be different from everyone else, and I like it, it sounds cute." He looked at me and gave me a little wink.

The drive to the park was slow, leisurely and as we arrived, Niall switched off the car, jumped out and ran over to my door, opening it for me. He was such a gentleman.

Niall opened the boot and grabbed stuff from the inside. When he joined me, he was carrying a soccer ball in his one hand and a picnic basket in the other.

"Are we going to play soccer?" I winked at him this time.

"Yes love, but we Irish folks like to call it football." He put the basket down and started laying out everything on top of the blanket. There was enough food for a whole family and more.

"Who in the world is going to eat all this food?" I motioned to all the food displayed in front of me.

"We are, Miss Carter, trust me when I tell you that. So are you joining me for a game?"

We ran off in different directions, kicking the ball towards each other. I have always wanted to date someone like him.

Niall tried kicking the ball again when he tripped and fell over. I ran to help him when I stopped dead in my tracks.

The scenario before me triggered a memory, and I immediately started thinking of Mike again.

"Zenè? Are you okay?" Niall asked and looked at me.

"Yeah, I am fine, it's just, I've got a lot on my mind."

I helped Niall to his feet, and we walked back over to the blanket. I once again looked at all the food and thanked him for what he did.

We sat close together, his shoulder touching mine. He turned his head towards me, looking at me.

I closed my eyes, and I could feel his breath on my lips, waiting.

He leaned closer....

*Stay sweet Xoxo ✌.

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