Chapter 43: Tell me!

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Still I was sat on the porch, German and my parents have been talking for over an hour. Occasionally I walked back in to the house and pressed my ear against the door..trying to hear what they were saying..but sadly I couldn't hear anything.

Instead of going back to sit on the porch, I went for a walk around the back garden.

I walked to where the swimming pool was and sat down while gently sliding my feet in to the water.

I sat and thought about my new life here in Argentina. I feel like I fit in at school, I have friends, I'm no longer being bullied, I've finally discovered my love for music and I have my boyfriend. My German!

I never thought any of this would least of all, to me. I'm a typical and average teenager.

Suddenly I looked up to see my Mum, Dad and German enter the garden through the patio doors. I saw my Dad and German shake hands?! My Mum was stood with  a smile on her face.

I guess it's all fine, just like German had said they would be? They must of accepted our relationship. I mean my Dad wouldn't shake his hand if he didn't like him or if he wasn't going to let us continue seeing each-other.

I stayed sat down as I could see German approaching me. As he got closer and closer, I could also see him smile slightly. Then he sat down beside me, took his shoes off and slid his feet in to the water too.

He started to twiddle his toes about but still he said nothing..

I couldn't stand it no more! I've been waiting for German to come back for ages  and when he finally did...he stays quiet.

I need to know what has been said.

"Well German?".

"Yeah Angie?".

"Soo...what happened?!".

"Well..". I could tell he was teasing me.

"Come on German, please tell me".

He just looked at me...

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