Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey Guys! I just wanna say sorry about the trouble I had updating yesterday but it's all fixed now. It shouldn't happen again. I also wanna take a moment to say thanks to you all for reading. It really means a lot to me =) Well... now that's all out of the way... Let's get back to the story yeah? Yeah.


Cry’s P.O.V

It was actually pretty chilly today which was odd considering how hot it had been these past few days. After sitting in the living room for an hour, waiting for Pewds to come back down I’d decided to go for a walk. It didn’t look like he was returning anytime soon so I may as well get some fresh air and clear my head. Plus it was my turn to take our laundry down to the main building so I could get it out of the way.    

This whole situation was a little fucked up. If none of us had put that doll there then that means someone came into our house last night and took it. I mean, we’d left the bag right next to the sofa! Jesus, whoever it was must have seen Pewds and I asleep on the couch. They’d have been so close to us, practically breathing down our necks. The thought alone was unsettling. 

Surely that couldn’t happen though. This whole area was secure. The complex was surrounded with security guards and built with the latest security systems. Paul had even bragged about how safe this place is at one point. So I highly doubt someone was able to break in. Unless... I pushed the thought out of my head straight away. No way was I going down that road.    

Considering I had no hands due to this massive washing basket in my grasp, I luckily managed to shove myself into the glass door, causing it to swing open easily.  For once, the heating was on inside the main building and it warmed me instantly. The laundry room was on the first floor so I made my way over to the stairs, giving the slightly familiar face at the reception desk a nod.  I can’t remember the receptionist’s name, only that she was the one who took my details off me when I needed some more contacts.

As I made my way down the narrow corridor I kept thinking about the look on Pewds face when I’d accused him. He couldn’t blame me for thinking it was him though... could he? It had been his idea in the first place! He’d have done it himself if I hadn’t stopped him! But I did stop him and he didn’t do it. I knew why had I asked?

“Haha stop it!” I heard a girl laughing from inside the laundry room. I stopped suddenly and leaned against the wall, peering through the crack in the door. Inside stood Harry and Amz. They were dressed now and filling up one of the washing machines together.

“I swear Shaun goes through socks like their candy bars,” Harry chuckled and threw another sock at her. Amz quickly threw it off and gave him a glare.

“Stop it,” she warned playfully. “Hey Haz?” she asked a little while later.


“Do you think Shaun’s ever going to talk?” I frowned at her question and pressed myself harder against the wall. I didn’t want them seeing me.

“I don’t know,” he replied whilst throwing the last of the clothes inside.

“I hope he does soon. Why do you think he never speaks?” she asked him and turned the machine on. Harry shrugged and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“Don’t think too much about it babe. Maybe he just doesn’t want to.”

“Hmm I guess. God, I’ll tell you one thing though. Louise needs to calm down,” she told him.

“Haha yeah I know,” Harry laughed before ducking down and planting a kiss on her forehead. She blushed deeply and turned away.

“Maybe we shouldn’t leave the house tonight Haz,” she murmured.

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