20-'You were never an average fan girl to me.'

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Spoiler: This chapter is the cutest thing ever happened to two people. So just beware of fan girl moments.

Chapter 20- 'You were never an average fan girl to me.'

"Cal? Evelyn! Are you guys up there?" We hear Joy's heavy footsteps climb the staircase with slow, sturdy steps.

At first, I don't realize the gravity of our situation because Calum had just confessed the most important thing in life to me, and obviously I was a little zoned-out looking in his perfect eyes. I was so shocked by what Calum had just said that I could die of a heart attack. Joy definitely got me out of the stance.

When she shouts again, it hits me like a coconut on my head; If Calum wasn't out of my room within a heartbeat, we would get caught.

And his parents would definitely hate me for being a non-punctual ass. I positively didn't want that.

I look at Calum's face and un-wrap my legs from around his body. I have this really wide smile plastered to my face as I do so, but at the same time, I remember that I hadn't said anything to Calum in return. I kiss him quickly, but his face still has a convolute expression.

"You have to go, Cal," I realize that it's difficult for me to look in his eye now, considering the abundant red color that my cheeks are convening helplessly, "Go before Joy finds out you were here."

I get up from the bed and walk towards the door while peeping through. I still don't point her in the passageway, so I turn around in order to warn Calum once again, "You better hurry up, Cal. Or else they're gonna hate me."

He gets up from the bed and hastily closes the door behind me, caging my destitute, weak body between his strong arms, "You didn't say anything in return," his calm voice which has an appreciable volume of mirth in it, decides to ask me. I see Cal's brown eyes dancing with joy as he waits for my reply, but I just dodge his embrace and walk back towards the bed.

"Go away, Cal," I smile at him briefly as he follows me back towards the bed, "I don't want trouble."

"Everything about us being together shouts trouble, Evelyn," he chuckles briefly and walks closer towards me, "C'mon now, say something in return," he pleads me.

Obviously Calum had an idea about what my answer was. I mean, practically thinking, I had loved him ever since puberty hit me and it wasn't really that difficult to not love a celebrity. But there was just one difference.

I had loved Cal for the past four years and I wanted him to know that it wasn't just his hot side that I had terrible feelings for, but it was indeed, the way he was with me: A normal boy, who apparently felt just as ordinary with me as I was to rest of the world. There was only one way that I could tell him my feelings, and he had to wait for that time to come around.

Do you know that feeling when the guy you have absolutely every sentiment for, tells you that he feels the same for you, but you just feel like playing along without answering? Yes, that's what I was doing. I wanted to make Calum wait till the time was right. Maybe it was a stupid move on my part, but I still wanted it to be special in some or the other way.

I had a plan, and I'm pretty sure that everyone is convinced by now about how awesome my plans turned out to be.

"Calum, go before she comes!" I push him back before he could embrace me, a coy smile evident on my face as I do so, only showing off my dimples.

"Evelyn?" Joy knocks on the door before I could do anything more. Calum walks towards me and holds me around my waist. I limp towards the door, because Cal's strong grip around me is absolutely weakening. But I manage to open a small gap in the door and peep out to face Joy who looks quite worried about me.

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