13- 'I don't know.'

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Chapter 13-'I don't know.'

Five minutes pass away quickly and as soon as I'm feeling just fine to support some human company, I decide to promenade in. I walk in behind Luke, with small paces and crash on my chair again. Natalie and Calum aren't anywhere to be seen and neither are Claire and Michael. I bet the latter were having fun in Mikey's room, but I was worried about the former.

"Where's Cal?" I ask Lily who shifts her chair next to me as soon as I sit down. Ashton and Luke are engrossed in a talk about something so Lily takes the chance of evading me with questions.

"He went to drop Natalie home," she whispers, "It was literally like he pulled her out of here," she nods her head, "I don't like her. She seems too fake."

"Um, okay," I take a sip of water and look at my plate which is still stuffed with some spaghetti and roasted chicken kebabs.

"Dude, are you okay?"

"What's wrong with me?" I let myself have a piece of roasted chicken.

"Are you okay with this whole Calum and Natalie shit?" Comes in another question and this time Lily has my attention, "Don't tell me you're not, I'm your best friend."

"I don't even know why you ask me such questions if you know the answer already."

"Tell me about it," she takes a piece of chicken from my dish and stuffs it in her mouth.

"Don't wanna talk about that," I say, "The only thing you need to know is Luke just kissed me."

"Whoooooa," she teases in excitement, "Tell me about that."

"It was random, actually. I think he's gonna ask me out again, now that they're here for another 3 days."

"I must say you guys are fast."

"Not as fast you and Ash," I look at her, "I'm still mad at you for not telling me."

"I'm gonna ignore that," she smiles at me, "Why are you eating so fast? You got a train to catch?"

"Calum wants to see me in 10 minutes," I tell her, "I don't even know what's up with that boy."

"I'll tell you what's up with him," she takes a sip of water, "He has the hots for you."

"Hear yourself, girl," I laugh sarcastically, "Do you have short term memory? His potential girlfriend just had dinner with us. Were you dreaming?"

"I think I know what I'm saying," she smirks at me as Ashton gets up, "And I think you will know it too," she places her hand in his and they walk towards the exit.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she says, "Good Night!"

"Night," I wave at her and Ashton.

"So, alone at last?" Luke smiles at me.

"Sure, Hemmo," I offer him a fork full of spaghetti, "Eat some?"

He opens his mouth as I feed him, "You're so cute," he places his hand on mine.

"You're pretty hot yourself," I say playfully, "Maybe you should consider shaving."

"Help me, will you?"

I chuckle and nod, "Sure, mister," he ruffles my hair again as I finish the food in my plate.

"I have to go, Luke," I tell him and wipe my hands, "You coming?"

"The pleasure is mine," he bows down and escorts me to the elevator.

"If you take more than 15 minutes in Calum's room, I'm gonna break the door and walk in," he says seriously.

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