9-'Can I have a picture with you?"

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Chapter 9-'Can I have a picture with you?'

"Wake up, beautiful," I hear Calum's sweet voice whisper lightly in my ear.

My eyes try to catch up with the bright surroundings as I flutter them open, only to see Cal's perfect features highlighted by the bare minimum amount of sunlight that penetrates through the window.

"Morning," I can't help but smile as he hugs me quickly, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I rest my back on the headboard and my head automatically falls to Calum's naked chest, his hand engulfing me closer to him.

"Morning, babe. How did you sleep?"

"Like never before," I look up at him and smile widely.

His lips kiss me quickly and his hand rubs me against my bare shoulder. After a quick kissing session, he lays down his head on my chest and fidgets with something on the side table.

"What are you doing, Cal?"

"Well, I don't know when you're gonna ask me for it, because I'll be leaving soon. So I'll do it anyways," he shrugs and picks up his phone from the table, "Can I have a picture with you, Ev?"

I laugh slightly and pinch his nose, "Of course, hon."

He puts his head on my chest and I feel my fingers grasp over his messy hair. He asks me to smile and instead, I kiss Calum's head.

"That's a cute one," he says while lying on my tummy. My hands still play with his hair as I'm lost in thought.

"Calum?" I ask all of a sudden, "What time is your flight?"

"In 2 hours," he asks me to show off my dimples and clicks another one of my picture, "Ash shall be here any moment."

A wicked thought hits my mind and honestly, I would be considered as a verified dummy for asking such a nonsense thing, but my lips do their work anyways.

"Would you stay for a day if I asked you to?"

He gets up, shoving off his phone and sits cross-legged in front of me. His hands cup my cheeks lovingly and he looks deeper into my eyes, "You have no idea how desperately I want to stay, Ev," he pulls me closer to him, "But you know I can't."

I nod in agreement and get up from his bed to grab my dress. Sadness would be an understatement, but I needed to get away from Calum because I definitely didn't want him to see me with flooding eyes and a red nose.

However, last night had been perfect. I couldn't be asking for more, actually. After me doing Cal, we had decided to get back and just sleep together for the night. No sex, no blowjobs, and nothing of the sorts. I had spent my night with half-naked Calum Hood, in his room. It was like one of those diabetic videos of cute couples on YouTube and Instagram who would end up cuddling and kissing occasionally, just to express the love for each other.

The only difference? We weren't committed about anything. And I didn't expect Calum to ask me to be his girlfriend either. I mean, who am I? Just Evelyn, right?

I straighten up my dress and pull it over my head.

"I don't know if this means anything, but I'll miss you." I say as I struggle with the zipper.

He walks up to me in his boxers and zips it for me, "It means a lot to me, Ev. I'll miss you too," he kisses my head.

He turns me around and continues, "You remember our promise right? We're gonna FaceTime every day, I don't give a fuck about those time zones."

I laugh weakly and put my arms around Calum, "I'll see you tonight then, I guess."

He smiles, "And well, if all this doesn't work out, don't worry. I'll find you if you don't find me," his freshly parted lips touch mine.

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