3- 'How about vodka flavored condoms?'

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Chapter 3: 'How about vodka flavored condoms?'

"Get the fuck out!" Lily bangs the washroom door for the millionth time as I remodel my mascara.

"Almost done," I clamor, "Gimme a second."

I align the small pleats of my black dress once and run a quick hand through my wavy brown hair highlighted with a subtle red. Damn, I'm going to party with those 4 boys who basically ruined my 4 teen years charmingly by keeping me glued to the screens.

Life is definitely a skittle right now.

Taking a final glance at my reflection in the mirror, I walk out adjusting the bust of my dress, "Couldn't you wait for a moment?" I complain, Lily just rolls her orbs.

"You're not going for a fashion show, Ev," she points out while fixing the tops of her earrings.

"Hello!" I snap my fingers at her, "I'm meeting 5-fucking-Seconds-of-Summer. Do you want me to look like a tsunami victim?"

Her glossy lips twitch into a smile and she turns towards me. Her green dress falls perfectly above her knees and those blue eyes are neatly lined with a blue liner, basically making me look like a punched pillow in front of Lily.

Why are best friends always so beautiful?! It happens that way in every fan fiction that I've read on this site called Wattpad. And it's now that I realize how true it is. Huh.

Because my life is nothing more than a fan fiction right now.

She looks at me and smirks, "Wouldn't that be something?"

It's my turn to laugh, but instead I just stick out my tongue, "I could help you look like one," I add, "Tsunami victim, I mean. I'm kind of sure Ashton won't even look at you ha-ha."

Her expression changes from playful to stressed and she sits down on the bed, "I can't believe we're doing this, Ev," she looks at me and there's just so much excitement in her eyes that for a moment I reconsider the thought that we indubitably are talking about 5SOS here- The four boys who jump with their underwear on their skin suits in Don't Stop. Oh boy.

"I know right," I laugh in a vexed way, "Like just yesterday I was playing the Road to Derp Con on their site and here I am today, managing my boobs inside this dress for Calum."

"You have pretty boobs, really," Lily gets up and we walk towards the door and I can't help but laugh at her randomness, "They'll satisfy Calum."

"You bet," I say while blushing and we decide to leave.

"Are you ready?" I ask her, as we close the door and walk towards the elevator with quick steps.

"Never been better," she comments and we ride all the way down to the basement, where the grand party is supposed to happen. Our hearts are nearly in our throats as we walk towards the cushioned door which seems to be super-sound proof.

The huge bouncer outside the door stops us and moves us back ,"Where's your pass?" He asks.

I share a look with Lily who happens to be equally clueless as I am. We look at the bouncer blankly and he folds his hands as if he knows we're some drug-dazed mafia who want to cause havoc inside the club. It's after seeing this huge man, that I realize why he's called a bouncer: it's because he'll make you bounce with his huge body.

And I'm not even being a pervert here.

"I-I guess we didn't get one?" Lily stammers, obviously intimidated by his huge size.

"Well, you got an ID then?" His evil smile widens and we stare at him like five-year old children unable to answer a simple addition sum, "You know that your tiny tits won't get you in there, right?" he says in heavy Aussie accent, looking at our chests and our jaws drop to the ground.

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