25 : Surprise

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Noah's POV

One week later

"Noah can you please come downstairs" my mom shouts.

"Yes" I shout back.

I walk downstairs looking for my mom. I head to the kitchen where I find her with my ma sitting at the table.

"Yes mom?" I ask her.

"Has Colby reached out?" she asks.

I told my moms what had happened between us. They were very angry about what I did. I don't blame them. I was very angry at myself too.

"No, not yet" I say with disappointment.

"Oh" my mom says.


"Well I was planning on inviting her and her parents to your grandmas' anniversary party"

"You should" I answer.

"Are you sure you will be okay with that?"

"Yes I'm sure. I know grandma would also want them there. And everyone seems to like Colby. Nina won't stop asking me when she is coming back"

"Okay, if you are okay with it then I'll send them the invitation today"

"Send it" I smile. "Is that all?"

"How are you doing?" my ma asks.

"As good as I can be knowing that I was a complete asshole to one of the sweetest girls I know and possible the love of my life" I answer truthfully.

"Well I can't disagree with the asshole part, but if I have learned anything about love and relationships then I know you can make things right given the opportunity" my ma smiles at my mom.

"Wait ma were you an asshole to mom?" I question.

"Oh a major asshole" my ma admits.

"What?!" I ask with surprise. My whole life I have never once seen my parents fight or heard anything about my ma not treating my mom right.

"It was the biggest regret in my life" my ma replies. "But luckily for me your mom forgave me and let me stay in her life. I had to earn her trust back but I have never and will never do anything to hurt her again"

"You have done more than enough love" my mom smiles at my ma.

"And I will continue to do more and as much as I can for you love" my ma kisses my mom. I can't help but smile at my moms. They prove to me everyday how beautiful love is. How to care for someone.

"Can I please hear the story?" I ask, taking a seat across of them at the table.

My ma looks at my mom, "I think she is old enough now" my mom tells my ma. Giving her permission.

"Well where should I start" my ma begins.

I have heard the story of how my parents met many times. About their wedding, when they found out my mom was pregnant with me and my siblings, about their adventures, but never about what my ma did.

I thought I knew a lot about my moms and my family, but I was wrong. This past hour revelaved so much.

"Damn" was my only reply to hearing everything. What else could someone say after hearing that your ma tried to destroy your entire family's business and kill your grandma.

"I told you, I was a major asshole"

"Your ma was made into an asshole by a horrible man, but she learned on her own that what she was doing was wrong. She also fell in love and yes we were all very angry with her, but she did everything to make up for it. Including saving all of us"

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