9 : Bet

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Noah's POV

*four months later*

"In conclusion, without a restructure of the brand's objective and production cost, their financial trajectory is negative. Within ten years they will be filing for bankruptcy" Colby ends her presentation. I watch in admiration of her work. Damn is she hot when she is in a suit.

She had a presentation this afternoon for her finance class. She destroyed it. I might be a bit biased, but she definitely had the best presentation. It was hard not to keep my eyes on her the entire time. I missed half of what she said but I know she aced this.

Her eyes meet mine at the end. Both of us smiling at each other know what the other wants.

"Thank you Ms. Carmichael. That was excellent" the professor compliments. "Okay class, that was the last presentation. Grades will be posted this weekend. Class dismissed"

Students start to pack and get up for the door. It's Friday which usually makes students run out of class to begin on early weekend. I make my way down from the back of the class to Colby.

"You did great-"

"Lets go" she grabs my forearm, quickly pulling me out of class.

"What's wrong?" I ask not knowing why she is rushing us out.

"You know what's wrong" she answers. Shit what did I do now? Think Noah.

While I tried to think of what I did wrong, I did not realize that we were at the back of the library. I know that the library is down the hall from her classroom so we didn't walk far.

"Why are we-" I do not get to finish as I am pushed against the back wall. We are in a secluded part of the library. With the bookshelves surrounding us it is hard to see that we are here. "Oh I get what's wrong now"

"Shut up Noah" Colby crashes her lips onto me. I pull her body up against mine. Her hands run through my hair, pulling at it slightly. Mine lower to her ass. I grab at her harshly making her let out a moan in my mouth. I take this opportunity to move my tongue in. We have made out and hooked up many times in the past four months, yet each time it is still as amazing as the first time.

Her hands make their way down to my waist. She starts to unbutton my jeans then pulls down my zipper. Colby moves her hand under my briefs before grabbing my dick. At her touch I moan. I can feel her smirk on my lips.

She pulls me off of the wall and towards her. Colby sits on the ledge near the window. I reconnect our lips while I move between her legs. Her legs wrap around my waist. I put my hands to the side of the edge, holding me up. My lips move to her neck. I know exactly where her pleasure spot is and make my way there.

At the suck of her soft skin her head falls back. While continuing on her neck I use my hands to undo her pants and pull them down.

"I have a condom in my backpack" she lets out quickly.

I search through her bag finding the condom fast. I rip it open with my teeth, then place the rubber on my hard shaft. Lowing my pants just enough. I make my way back to Colby. I am pulled by my shirt aggressively. I grab her hips to move her closer to the edge before lining myself up and pushing in.

"Shit" she moans out at my thrust. Her arms wrap around my neck. Mine wrap around her waist. My face in the crook of her neck while I increase my pace.

Her moans begin to become louder.

"Baby you have to be more quiet" I tell her but don't stop. I love hearing her moans. I prefer to hear them rather than her keeping silent. However right now I really don't want to get caught having sex in the library.

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