4 : Bodyguard

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Noah's POV

After learning Colby's schedule I prepare my morning routine to start my day. It is currently 6:30. I head outside for a quick run to both learn more of the campus and to get a small workout in before my duties begin.

I was given maps and an entire layout of the campus before arriving at the Carmichael's but seeing it in person always helps me more to get familiar with the environment. I like to know as much as I can. Knowing your environment can be the thing that helps you the most in certain situations.

When I get back from my run it is ten minutes past seven. Colby and Ava are still both asleep. I head to take a shower then get dressed before they wake.

I was not given any specific attire requirements so I just went what I would normally wear for an assignment like this. I am in all black pants, shirt, coat jacket, and white shoes. My shirt is tucked into my pants and my hair let down. I tuck my knife and other weapons away to be unseen. Since we are on a college campus I am not allowed to carry any firearms.

When I am finished getting dressed I head to finish setting up my surveillance. I install alarms on all the windows and the front door. I also added some cameras inside the apartment. The Carminchael's had the school install cameras in all the halls of Colby's apartment before we arrived.

I make myself a cup of coffee and sit at the counter until Colby is ready for class.

An hour later both Colby and Ava are up ready for their first class.

"Morning Noah" Ava greets as she walks into the kitchen.

"Morning Ava"

"What time did you wake up?"

"Six thirty" I respond. Her eyes widen in surprise.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" I laugh at her question.

"I wanted to go for a run before the start of the day"

"We are two very different types of people" Ava laughs. She pours herself a cup of coffee and grabs a few snacks from the cabinets.

"You are not wearing that" I hear from behind me. I turn in my seat to see Colby in her usual annoyed face.

"I think Ava looks fine" I say.

"I wasn't talking about Ava. I was talking about you" she walks closer to us.

"What's wrong with what I am wearing?" I question.

"You look like a narc that's what's wrong. It is already going to be embarrassing that you are going to be following me around all day. You being dressed like this will only draw more attention"

"I think she looks hot" Ava mumbles but it was clearly heard.

"Thanks Ava" I give her a wink before turning back to Colby who is now more annoyed. "She thinks I look hot" I smirk.

"Go change"

"Hmm....no" I smile.

"Noah. Go. Change" she steps closer to me. Now looking at me at eye level.

I get up from the chair making Colby have to look up slightly. I look down at her showing no intention of her getting her way. "No"

Her jaw tightens with anger. It is so easy to get her mad.

"Hate to break up whatever this is, but we are going to be late to class" Ava says. The intense staring comes to an end.

Colby sighs in frustration. She grabs her backpack and walks straight towards the front door to leave. I follow behind her.

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