3 : Princess

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Colby's POV

No matter how much I begged, my parents did not change their decision about Noah. And I begged a lot.

I don't know how I am going to have her with me 24/7 when I already can't stand her. She doesn't understand personal boundaries, she is sarcastic, and from the few hours I have known her I know that she is going to be on my ass all the time.

The only thing I will admit that is positive is that she is a really good kisser. I don't even know why I am saying this right now, but it's not like I can lie to myself and say she isn't. I also can't tell why I kissed her last night. My plan was to mess with her a bit then knee her. The part of the plan that wasn't in my original idea was kissing her. When I saw her eyes fall to my lips mine did the same. Then when we were inches away from each other my body was telling me to lean in.

It felt like a force was drawing me to her. I must have just mistaken anger for lust or something.

The second our lips met I knew that I was not going to pull away. I told myself to. If only my body listened to my mind. Instead we ended up making out for a bit. When her hands came to my waist it became harder to pull away. Her touch felt warm. If it wasn't for the bulge in her pants rubbing against me I don't think I would have snapped out of it.

Unfortunately my plan kind of backfired on me. It only fed her ego even more. Now she thinks that I wanted to kiss her for reasons other than to mess with her. Which is not true...I think.

"Time to leave princess" I hear someone knock on my bedroom door. Great, morning officially ruined.

I walk to my door and open it with annoyance, "I told you not to call me that"

"Oh but it suits you so well" she says sarcastically. It is too early for this. "Or would the princess prefer your royal highness?"

"I would prefer to punch you in the face but my parents would be pissed at me"

"Also a good princess wouldn't do that"

"You're right" her cocky smile grows. "But the thing is I'm not a good princess" my fist connects with her face. Her head bounces back from the impact.

"Fuck" I shake my hand in pain. Why does it hurt so much to punch someone in the face? And why does no one tell you that it hurts this much? In the movies it looks fun and easy to do. What a bunch of liars.

I look up at the sounds of laughter. "You have never punched someone before huh" Noah asks.

"Never had to deal with someone as annoying as you"

"Aww I'm honored to be your first" I want to wipe that stupid smile off of her face. Luckily for me she walks away. I try not to think about the pain, but this really hurts. Not my smartest idea, but I also don't regret it.

"Let me see" Noah returns.

"Fuck off" I tell her.

"Fine then. I was going to give you this ice pack, but letting your hand swell sounds better" she turns to walk away again.

"Wait" I stop her. Slowly I extend my hand to her. She grabs it gently and examines my hand before laying the ice pack on top of it.

"You didn't break or fracture anything so just keep the ice on it for a few minutes" I nod in understanding.

"And next time" she grabs my other hand, "Punch someone like this" she adjusts my hand into a fist, "It will not hurt as much and help so that you don't accidentally break your thumb"


"Anytime...princess" she smirks walking away. Nice moment ruined.

This flight back to school is about to be the most fun flight of my life. I will honestly not be surprised if it goes down due to me killing Noah.

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