7 : Hurt

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Noah's POV

I told myself that hooking up with Colby shouldn't have happened and that it wasn't going to happen again. Yet it happened again the same day I told myself that. Why can't I hold myself back with her? Why can't I stop thinking of her or craving her touch?

I know that my job is to protect her which I have not stopped or haven't done, but now I don't think I am doing it because it is my assignment. I am doing it because I care for her. The thought of someone hurting her or laying their hands on her makes my blood boil.

When Skylar came up to us earlier tonight I seriously wanted to hurt her. Hurt her really badly. I have never felt anger like that before. I have never had hatred for someone like that. My actions were all out of pure anger. Which is the opposite of how I was trained. I was told to never fight with anger. It is dangerous for both me and the other person. If it weren't for Colby being there I truly do not know if I would have stopped myself from pushing the blade further into Skylar's throat.

Laying here with Colby in my arms is a feeling I never want to end. I have had this feeling before but never with this intensity. I thought that my first love was great, but whatever this is with Colby is greater. Everything I feel I feel twice as much and twice as hard. The care, worry, jealousy, arousal, comfort. It all sometimes feels like too much for me to handle but also like I never want it to go away.

I really have to think about my actions. This can affect too many people.

The movie finishes with everyone asleep except for me. It was a really funny movie. I have to agree.

I move slowly to get a better position to lift Colby up into my arms. I carry her bridal style to her bedroom. Lightly laying her down to not wake her. I pull the cover over before kissing her forehead softly. I go back to take her friends back to their beds. Ava and Julia have been sharing a bed through Julia's visit. I offered mine but Julia refused politely.

I take Julia first then Ava. They were all fairly easy to carry. Colby was the cutest however. She curled into me as if it was instinct.

I lay Ava down next to Julia before pulling the covers over them both. As I turn to leave a hand grabs onto me. I turn to see Ava awake.

"Don't hurt her" she whispers.

"What?" I crouch down to her.

"Don't hurt her. Please"

"I won't" I whisper back.


"I promise" I give a comforting smile. She lets me go. I walk out, closing the door behind me.

I walk to my room, pausing when I am in front of Colby's. Her room is across from mine. I stare as she sleeps peacefully. I promise.

I start to close her door but stop when I hear her mumble, "No...no.." I get closer to her.

"No...no" she says more frantically. She's having a nightmare.

"Please no" she pleads.

"Hey, hey, Colby" I shake her gently. Her eyes quickly open. I can see worry in her eyes. "You were having a nightmare. It's okay" I comfort her. Her arms quickly wrap around me. I reciprocate and hold her closely.

"What's wrong?" I pull back to see her face. She has tears running down her cheek. I wipe them gently with my hands. "Why are you crying Colby?"

"It's...when...I'm-" she struggles to tell me.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me. What do you need?" I cut her off.

"Can you hold me?" she looks up at me with sad eyes.

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