2 : Carmichael

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Noah's POV

It's early in the morning. I spent all night packing and preparing for my departure. I was very excited for what was to come. I read the entire file to learn as much as I could before arriving at the Carmichael's. I also talked with grandma Drew for any last minute information.

My excitement helped to not think about the fact that I would be gone from my family for six months, but now that I have finished packing the car it is starting to hit me.

"You guys promise to behave?" I crouch down to my siblings.

"We promise" they both smile. I hug them tightly. I know I am going to miss them the most. I have not spent more than a few days away from them. I still remember how on their first day of preschool I cried like a baby.

As I get up I quickly wipe the tears from my face.

"I didn't think it was going to be this hard" I let out a nervous laugh.

My mama pulls me in tightly. I almost fell back with how fast she wrapped around me. "If you need anything just call and I will be there as fast as I can. I promise"

"I will mama. I love you"

"I love you too" she pulls away with a comforting smile.

I turn to my mom who has tears in her eyes. Which is making me tear up more. I walk to her and embrace her in my arms.

"I love you mom"

"I love you too"

I pull back from the hug. I know that if I stay here any longer I might change my mind. I give them all one last kiss goodbye before getting into the car. I see my moms hug one another with my siblings holding onto them. My mom is still crying but I can tell she is trying to hold back as much as she can for my siblings.

"Do you need some time before we get to the plane?" one of the family guards that is driving me to the airport asks.

"I'm okay Ash, thank you" I smile at him while he looks at me through the mirror.

We continued to drive to the airport for a few minutes. When we arrive Ash helps me with my luggage. I am flying on our family's private plane.

"Stay safe Noah" Ash hugs me goodbye. He has been working for my family since I was a baby. He was my guard all throughout my childhood. He is one of the most trusted people in our family. At this point he is family to us.

"Hey Ash, can you do me a favor while I am gone?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Can you keep an eye on my siblings for me? I know that you will never let anything happen to them, but can you just make sure that they are also okay emotionally? Maybe play with them sometimes?"

"Of course Noah. I promise"

"Thank you Ash" I hug him once again before getting on the plane.

I take my seat and put on my earphones for the flight. It should take about six hours to arrive in New York. I lay back and try to not think about leaving. I turn my focus on the mission and my responsibilities. After some time I begin to fall asleep.

"Mrs. Vanderbilt-Kane" I feel my body shake. My eyes start to slowly open.

I take my earphones off, "Yes?"

"We just landed"

"Oh okay, thank you" I tell the flight attendant. I didn't think that I would fall asleep for most of the flight. I guess I was pretty tired. I stretch my arms and legs before getting up.

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