16 : Richview

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Colby's POV

It has been a week since Noah left. I haven't heard much besides that she and her family got home safely. KJ texted me that Noah is doing well. She is keeping her promise of keeping me updated. I just wish that it was Noah texting me instead.

I am happy that she is doing well and is safe. That does not stop the pain. The tears continue to fall everyday. Not one day has passed since her leaving that I have not cried myself to sleep. No distraction helps. Ava and Julia have called and texted but I give no answer. My parents try to cheer me up but I stay in my room missing Noah.

As I lay in my bed on my phone I hear a knock on my door.

"Mom please just leave me alone" I answer.

"Not your mom" they reply. It's Ava. The door creaks open. I sit up as I see her and Julia come into my room.

"We brought ice cream" Julia smiles with compassion. Each of them sits on either side of me.

"Thanks" I mumble. I reach for the pint but Ava pulls it away from me. I look at her not knowing why she did that.

"First you shower then you get ice cream"

"What why?"

"Because you have been here for a week. Trust me you need it" Ava replies. Julia hits Ava's shoulder.

"Sorry Colby but it's the truth and I know you are hurting right now but you want the truth" she is right. I know Ava is always blunt but I prefer the truth over anything.

"Is it that bad?" I turn to Julia who nods shyly. If Julia is saying yes then I should go shower because she never wants to hurt anyone's feelings.

"Fine" I push the covers off and get off the bed. "But that pint is all mine after"

"Did you honestly think I only bought this one?" Ava answers.

"She made me get five different flavors" Julia replies. That sounds like Ava.

I grab a change of clothes before heading into the bathroom. The warm water feels really nice. For a few minutes I stand there letting the water fall all over me. Relaxing in bliss.

After getting dry and clothed I open the bathroom door to Ava already eating ice cream. I make my way over to my bed and sit in between them again. Ava and Julia don't say anything. They get closer to me and hand me a pint of ice cream. It is chocolate chip, my favorite. Ava hits play on the tv and "She's the Man" starts to play. It has been our favorite movie since we were in high school. It always makes us laugh.

They can't see it as they are both focused on the movie but I can't help but have a small smile on my face. No talking is needed for them to cheer me up. This has been the happiest I have been all week.

When the movie ends Ava turns off the tv and turns to me.

"Okay, now we talk" she says. The part I was not excited for.

"Talk about what" I reply.

"Colby I know that this all sucks and we don't relate to what happened but we are worried about you"

"Yeah, Colbs we want to help. It hurts to see you like this"

"Well it hurts to feel like this" I answer. "You guys just don't understand"

"Me and Julia have gone through breakups before-"

"I wasn't broken up with. She lost all her memories of me!" I argue back. "She forgot me!" my eyes start to water. "To her I am no one. I am nothing to her" the tears fall. Ava and Julia hug me tightly. I cry in their arms.

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