14 : Anchor

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Sterling's (KJ) POV

"Why can she remember part of the last day she was home but nothing else after that?" I ask the doctor.

"There is no definitive answer Mrs. Vanderbilt-Kane. The brain is a fragile part of the body. Noah not being able to remember can be for a number of reasons. It is likely that anything tied to the cause of her trauma has been put away in her mind as a protective instinct" he answers.

"So she can remember that we argued about her coming here but not the reason why because it has to do with how she got hurt?" Elliott questions.

"It's likely, yes"

"Is there anything we can do to help her remember?" I ask.

"It is best for her to get those memories back on her own. Not try to force anything. With cases like this oftentimes the patient can get overwhelmed or feel lost if they are bombarded with information. I would suggest that she gets a lot of rest. To stay away from anything too extraneous for the next couple of weeks. Every now and then maybe show her something or talk about something that can help her recall a memory of her time her, but ease into it"

"Okay, thank you doctor" I tell him. He walks away leaving me and Elliott in the room. Noah is asleep. My ma is still with Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael. She checks in every thirty minutes.

"Its going to be okay baby" Elliott pulls me into her body gently. Laying a kiss on the side of my head.

Watching your daughter lying in a hospital bed with a gunshot wound on her head and multiple other injuries is one of the worst things ever.

Every night since arriving at the hospital I have not been able to sleep. I stay up watching over Noah. Checking all her vitals and being there when the nurse comes in to do her rounds. The fear of being asleep when Noah needs me is what keeps me up.

The night that I got the phone call that Noah was hurt and in the hospital was one of the worst nights of my life. I felt numb, but I knew that I needed to get it together. I took my youngests to their aunt Stellan's before flying over here. Ma and Elliott were already here. When I arrived I knew that Noah was stable and doing well. Walking into the room was a horror movie come true. The image of Noah will never leave my mind.

For now all I can do is be strong. Be present. I can deal with my personal emotions after she is out of the hospital.


"When can we go home?" Noah asks.

"We are going home tomorrow"

"Really?" she asks excitedly.

"Yes. We spoke with the doctors and they are okay with letting you leave tomorrow, but you have to take it easy" I reply. "I'm serious Noah. You do as we say. No messing around"

"I promise" she smiles.

"I have to go speak with your grandma today but if you need anything call me. Your mama will be here the entire time" I kiss the top of her head before heading out.

Things are almost done with the Carmichael's. My ma has helped to clear everything up and make sure that everything Luther had planned did not happen. Most of the evidence was kept from the public. Everything was kept on a need to know basis.

The Carmichael businesses kept running with no issues. Luther's plans were to use Colby as leverage to steal everything the Carmichael's had. He knew that they had put everything in Colby's name. He intended to have Colby sign over all of it to him. Although he had a lot of inside information he couldn't outsmart my ma. When all these threats started to happen and Mr. Carmichael reached out to my ma for help everyone in the family helped.

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