Chapter 34

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A couple of hours later...

Hunter tried his hardest to keep his body language impassive as he stood behind Tech who had taken the free seat beside Crosshair, the prince not impressed with the others in the room while behind Crosshair stood Cole, his personal guard. Beside Crosshair at the head of the table was King Fox and he was not happy. Thorn stood just to the side of him, looking slightly amused despite his serious expression.

Around the meeting table were several individuals including King 99 who wore a proud look, despite his status being dead, he looked too happy for a dead man. Beside him was King Boba Fett who had Cody behind him, he was on protection detail, while Obi-wan was actually revealed to be his own type of royalty. Cody of course knew while Boba and Jango who had come along on request were shocked. Especially when King Anakin Skywalker walked into the room and took a seat, Obi-wan remained behind him. His eyes kept glancing at Cody who remained still but shared a smile with his husband. Others around the room revealed to be Bo-Katan Kryze, Senator Bail Organa, Senator Chuchi and one that stood out amongst the rest was the surprising visit from Queen Ahsoka, none other than Rex's secret sister. A reason why Echo couldn't appear and neither could Fives, otherwise questions would be asked. The last guest was someone who liked to cause drama on both sides, which was Quinlan Vos, the general of the army that King Anakin Skywalker had.

Even if they were trying to make a solution to the problem at hand, all the room did was argue or question everything said. Fox had to grit his teeth as he stared over at his son, Crosshair was struggling to remain awake, his eyes slipping closed a few times. Tech in his disguise had reached over and held his hand, intending on keeping him awake. Even Thorn was looking slightly bored in his body language.

"Yeah! Why should we help you? All because your kid can't keep it in his pants and..."

"ENOUGH!" Fox slammed his fist on the table, silence filled the room. Crosshair blinked at his father who stared down directly at Quinlan who had been the one to say the words in the argument. "What my son does in his life, is the course of his own actions but I will not have you disrespecting my son with your words! Now, I'd suggest we get back on topic before the war comes sooner and we do not have the backup to protect our people!" Fox's dark tone had them all nodding, all but one.

"I am not going to apologise for my words but what gives you the right to call on a meeting of the high leaders when it is clearly the mistake of your late wife who is responsible for setting up the potential deaths of millions within this kingdom?" 99's chilling tone had Fox turning to the slightly older man. Fox's expression was unreadable as 99 continued, "It's not like this is my problem, so why should I get involved with protecting your son who has quite exhibits the ability in the past to protect himself and yet here you are asking for our help because your son got pregnant outside of marriage and..." 99 was interrupted by another.

"Plus on the side note, wasn't Tyler missing for years? What's to say this isn't all a corrupted plan from within? What's to say, he isn't the reason behind this war? What if you are walking into a trap almost like that time, you lost your first love interest and..." Quinlan never finished, Anakin patted his arm knowing his General always had the guts to say what everyone else was thinking.

"I could say the exact same words about you all but out of respect I don't because we all know who has more blood on their hands than the Huxleys" Crosshair spoke in a tone that mirrored his fathers, his eyes cold as he stared down the table. "All we are asking is for some help because as far as I am aware, my children are innocent and potentially could not survive the incoming war as they will be helpless on their own but with help. You can help save the future royals to..." Crosshair grunted as pain laced down his side but he continued, "This isn't about war and blood, this is about sacrifice. I am risking my own life tomorrow in an honour bound promise with my partner's, who don't know yet that I am going into surgery to potentially save their children's lives. If my word is not enough, I know that another's word will be able to be taken into consideration considering, no one has ever been able to say no due to who she is". Crosshair gestured over his shoulder to an older woman who walked into the room, she was accompanied by the armour of Cole, who had vanished for a minute. Tech immediately offered his seat, the older woman took it with thanks.

She was none other than someone who had said to have died by not only the hand of the force but by Crosshair who had taken the shot, she and 99 were said to have died years ago but they survived because of one person and that was Crosshair, he had saved their lives while keeping their secret.

"Queen Shaak Ti...but I thought you had passed?" 99 gasped out seeing his old friend or more importantly the mother of the son who had married his own. None other than Wrecker's mother sat barely in front of both Tech and Hunter, both of them were in utter shock and reached for Crosshairs shoulders, the prince didn't say anything as it was clear these secrets almost died with the sniper.

"I had but this brave warrior saved my life and I aided him in finding his children. One of which was kidnapped very young but we managed to reunite him with her. For years, I have been at the temples, praying that my children were alive but turns out life didn't take to them very well, only one of my sons is still around and I ask all of you or most of you. If this was your own son or daughter asking for help would you leave them on the sideline and let them face the battle of their own or would you step in to aid your child through the scary world of the war?" her words spoken soft and calmly, she shared a nod with Fox who smiled in thanks. Crosshair on the other hand held tightly to Fox's hand, pain continued to spread through his side which he ignored.

"You have a valid point but I do ask, what do we get in the end for helping you?" 99 questioned, he always wanted something more than the others who had agreed on the spot with Shaak Ti, even Anakin had, he wanted nothing but his own children safe, he couldn't leave this vulnerable child to fight this war plus the unborn children were defenceless.

Fox went to say something when Crosshair cleared his throat, "The benefits you will receive, is the actual right to me not throwing you out that window for the ignoring of your own granddaughter who thought the world of you even after your death. She wanted nothing but to see you and you destroyed your promise. So how about we agree on something before code 99 is sworn between the two of us and you learn to stop threatening your son for wanting to live his own life. Does that sound simple enough?" Crosshairs warning tone had 99 looking sick while Fox looked proudly at his son, he had found a way to trap 99 amongst his own words.

"It does but I do ask, what will you do if you don't survive this birth? Do the royal children get split up amongst all your partners? What have you got ten, fifteen...because we all know how much of a slut you are" 99 cockly said, Fox glared, he went to say something when another stepped in.

"He has four father and for once, shut your fucking mouth before I pull the right for you to ever see your grandchildren again" Hunter's cold tone turned attention to the bandana man who had removed his mask only to glare at 99, the older man wore a look of utter shock. Hunter moved closer to Crosshair wrapping his arm slightly around him.

"Grandchildren?" 99 gasped out, turning to look at the room who stared at him with protective eyes.

"Yes, grandchildren. Are you incapable of listening?" Tech's voice had all attention drawn to him as he removed his own mask, none other than the youngest son of the famous couple; Cody and Obi-wan, both of them smirking at their son. Jango was in utter shock seeing one of his grandchildren all grown up which clearly meant that he had great-grandchildren, there was no way in hell he would not help Fox in protecting his son.

"Oh are my sons partners. Don't tell me?" Shaak Ti looked at Hunter and Tech, both of them nodded, "I'm a grandmother?! And you didn't tell me?!" Shaak looked at Fox who held his hands up wearing an impassive expression.

"Looks like your son's plan worked" Thorn whispered to Fox who nodded, the king not happy with his son being called a slut. Crosshair blinked at his father who got the small message.

"Take a break, we will discuss the rest of it, in an hour's time" Fox announced to the room before he left with Crosshair, his son was trying his hardest not to limp but something felt wrong about his body. Thorn followed them while Cole remained keeping an eye on Hunter and Tech who eyed him up until he spoke "Your safety was my prince's top orders". The two of them nodded in thanks only to find themselves the centre of attention. Tech was barely able to say anything before Jango yanked him into a hug, the engineer was wearing a look of surprise. Cody blinked from his place in Obi-wan's arms watching his father and son hug.

99 tried to interact with Hunter who continued to ignore him up until Shaak Ti entered their conversation which had them both kind of talking.

Apologies for the major delay! Updates are on the way, I'm just taking my books one at a time! (I've had a slight break but I'm back now). Next update should be within the next two weeks :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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