Chapter 32

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“I still can't believe we created another beautiful child” Wrecker whispered looking over at Crosshairs sleeping body, the silver haired man curled into Hunter's chest. Echo smirked from his place against Wreckers chest while Tech was squeezed in between Echo and Crosshair, fast asleep. 

“I can't wait to meet the child but we do have to remember Crosshairs body has gone through hell and…” Echo never finished as Crosshairs phone went off. The silver haired man scrambled into a seated position with the help from Hunter who blinked awake as did Tech, both of them helping Crosshair sit up. The man apologised, answering his phone. 


“Kid, where are you?” 


“Yeah, kid it's me. Tell me your location in coordinates now please” 


“Kid, I know you are half-asleep but your father has called in a Code 66 and…kid?” 


“Thanks kid, expect company soon. Wooley and Fives are enroute to pick you guys up. Don't ask questions but expect a worried father when you return” 

Crosshair didn't even answer as he had the phone on speaker. Hunter and Techs eyes widened as they knew exactly what Code 66 was. Both of them scrambled out of bed. It took Echo and Wrecker a minute to move but they soon did as Wrecker grabbed their bags which none of them had emptied. Crosshair was scooped up by Hunter, the silver haired man was really struggling to wake up concerning the others. 

“Tech, get the girls and…” Echo never finished as several bullets went straight through the windows. 

“DOWN!” Wrecker yelled, Crosshair immediately felt Hunter cover his body. Three screams of terror had Crosshair on his knees, he didn't give a care in the world. As he scrambled under the bed, surprising the others as he pulled out his rifle which he had placed down the night before. Echo watched him pull something else from the bedside cabinet, a type of visor. Which he passed to Tech, the man placed it on only to gasp at the amount of heat signatures. He passed them back to Crosshair only to frown the silver haired man had another pair. 

“How many do you count?” Crosshair grunted out. Pain spread through his chest. 

“26” Tech answered firmly as three children came crawling into the room, Hunter scrambled to hold both Omega and Violet while Hera snuggled into Wrecker. 

“Damn” Crosshair cursed, he elbowed a nearby wall and surprising them all, a figure wearing a set of armour revealed itself. With ease Crosshair placed his spec ops armour, one that he had up where they were for when he had done training with Wooley and Fives. 

“What's the plan?” Echo turned to the others. 

“Cross, do you have another way out of here?” Wrecker asked, Crosshair frowned for a minute until the front door was breached open. 

“I do but I don't think you guys will like it” Crosshair muttered, all of their eyes widened. 

“Anything to keep the kids safe” Hunter answered for them all. Crosshair barely nodded as he moved the bed aside with Wrecker's help, all of them gasped seeing a floor trap. 

“Where does that go?” Tech asked. 

“To Wooleys, it's an escape tunnel. Fives built it in his spare time” Crosshair coughed out, pain continued to spread up his chest but he had to stop himself from coughing as the door to their room was kicked down and before anyone could say anything. Three bullets found their ways into the heads of the intruders. Crosshair glared as he aimed down the corridor. 

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