New Sibling Blues. (Bonus Part I)

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Surprise! I have crafted a new bonus part for you guys because you have been sooo sweet to me :) I have been reading you guys' comments as motivation and I apologize this took me so long. I'm so thankful you guys seemed to have liked my story <3 As for this, any bonus parts I upload from now on will be from an omniscient POV, so they will explore the lives of Minsung, Hyunlix, as well as some of the other boys'.

"No, Nabi-ya. You have big girl food, baby brother needs milk" Felix is reminding his two year old with a tired sigh. His one-month old newborn son is nursing on his chest and Nabi is frustrated with her omega father's lack of attention on her.

Over the span of the single month that Byeol has been home after Felix gave birth, his firstborn has begun to regress and resist every attempt of her parents' for her to bond with her little brother. She tries to tug him away from Felix when he's nursing or take the baby's pacifier for herself- even though she'd ditched her own months before Byeol was even born. The toddler becomes angry and scream-cries anytime anyone pays attention to Byeol over her. It's not like they've decided to completely ignore Nabi since Byeol was born either, but she won't tolerate even a second of attention on him.

"Come on, Dumpling. Do you want to try using the potty? You just ate." Hyunjin tries his best to redirect Nabi when she gets upset with her father for paying attention to Byeol. It's exhausting that caring for their son makes her so angry, but they can't do much but remain patient and hope she'll adjust to the change soon.

Nabi is very sensitive, and equally as expressive. Change within their home has always upset her but they had no idea to what extent until Byeol was born. When Felix was pregnant they tried to introduce the idea to her and she seemed receptive, even excited for their new addition. I'm the end, expecting a two year to understand such a drastic change was unfair. She simply isn't adjusting as quickly as they'd hoped and it makes caring for their newborn all the more hectic.

"No! No! I want Papa~" Nabi declares angrily and pushes Hyunjin away when he tries to guide her to the restroom. Potty training is also not easy when she's so resistant.

"Papa is feeding baby brother, Nabi-ya" Hyunjin explains to the toddler as he looks at his worn mate. Neither of them have gotten much sleep with their newborn, but Felix spends a substantial amount of time up with him because he's nursing. Byeol is going through a growth spurt and cluster feeding every hour- sometimes twice in an hour; and it has taken an obvious toll on his omegan father.

"Baby, just go with Appa, please" Felix's words come out pleading as he asks this of her. Nabi is too young and unaware to understand her omegan father's desperate tone, and she begins to have a tantrum where she stands. The black-haired toddler throws herself to the ground in a fit of frustration and protest. She screams and wails as both men hold their breath in anxiety as they watch her.

Disciplining a two-year old child is difficult. They are smart at this age and they understand many things- but simultaneously nothing. Felix can attempt an explanation to Nabi that her papa is exhausted and just needs space to care for her brother because he is small needs him more right now, but she wouldn't understand. In her mind, she needs him and she is small. All she can understand in this state is that she is upset. The depth of her feelings is too complex for her to articulate and too powerful for her too contain. They are all helpless in some way.

It's because of this that Felix can't muster the strength to comfort her, or to contain his frustration and exhaustion. His bottom lip trembles and he looks down at Byeol in his arms. His newborn pup has stopped nursing and begins to cry in tangent with his sister; her screams would obviously frighten and upset him. Felix feels so helpless and drained. The omega can't stop himself from devolving into tears too. He tries to comfort Byeol, rocking him gently in his arms but he knows it will be no use when they are all so distraught.

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