Family Dinner.

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Working as a line cook at a upscale restaurant in a busy city like Seoul, Minho doesn't get many days off. It's not abnormal for him to work six days out of the week with only one day off. He also averages 50 to 70 hours spent at the restaurant within those six days, so he can work up to 12 to 13 hours a day. Jisung doesn't think this is an ideal lifestyle for a social life, or really any life outside of work. The omega quickly learned that Minho spends a lot of his time just trying to play catch up when he isn't at work. That's why they can only really ever hang out at night after Minho's gotten off of work.

Minho also spends a couple of hours every other Saturday at a dance studio where he teaches a beginners' dance class for the city's local youth. He's told Jisung a few times that he wishes he could contribute more of his time to dance, but that he's accepted his work-life balance just isn't conductive to dedicating time to hobbies and interests. That's not to say the alpha hates his job, he's very good at it, but it takes up a lot of his time.

Jisung finds himself feeling concerned for Minho sometimes when he's spending time with the alpha. Occasionally, he can catch the older looking obviously worn. His bright eyes will seem empty and tired, or he'll stare off into empty space as he struggles to focus when he's especially tired. The physical signs of his hectic lifestyle only ever last for a few seconds though. Then, Minho is acting himself again, like he'd never been so exhausted in the first place. It makes Jisung feel like the alpha struggles more than he lets on at times, but Jisung's not comfortable enough to press him to open up to him about it.

Therefore with knowing all of this, Jisung is feeling guilty again when he asks Minho to drive to Incheon with him on the older's only day off this week. His moms are having a dinner party for his brother's 39th birthday, and they kept bugging him to invite Minho because they have yet to meet him. Jisung was hesitant to ask the alpha, but Minho seemed surprisingly fine with attending.

"Are you nervous?" Jisung asks Minho as they ride in the older's car to his moms' place. Driving a car is much faster than taking the train. The train ride to Incheon is about two hours long because of the frequent stops, but by car it's only about half an hour.

"Am I nervous to meet the mothers of the unmated omega I impregnated? Hmm... I'd say, no, not really." Minho replies in a mock-contemplative tone and Jisung rolls his eyes.

"Is that a yes or no? Smartass..." Jisung grumbles back in response. The alpha chuckles lightly as they stop at a traffic light a turn off from Jisung's moms' place.

"I'm not nervous. Should I be?" The older man responds before glancing at the omega curiously.

"No, my moms' are nice, and they've had plenty of time to come to terms with me being pregnant by now. They're over it." Jisung answers with a dismissive wave, then he's furrowing his brows in thought. "Well, Eomma might be a little standoffish... just because of the whole unmated thing, but she's harmless."

"That's great." Minho sighs out.

They arrive to a very nice looking apartment complex. It's very common for people in South Korea's densely populated cities to live in apartments for their entire lives. There just simply isn't enough space in these cities for houses, so it isn't unexpected that they would live in an apartment complex. Minho's parents do too, but, they don't live in a place nearly as nice as Jisung's moms. Their home seems to be apart of one of the nicer neighborhoods in Incheon.

"Are your moms rich or something?" Minho asks half-joking, as Jisung leads him into the building to take the elevator up to his moms' apartment.

"No... not really. Mama worked in IT when I was a kid though, and we lived in Malaysia for like 6 years due to her work. I think she may have made a lot at that time? She's retired now" Jisung responds. They get into the elevator and Jisung presses the '11' button, meaning they'd be going up to the eleventh floor.

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