Minho's Pre-Rut.

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"I hope that laying on your back isn't too uncomfortable for you yet. You won't have to lie here for too long." Dr. Choi tells Jisung as the omega shifts himself to lie back onto the exam bed. "If you start to feel dizzy, faint, nauseous, anything of the sort, let me know so we can sit you up." He adds, as Jisung rolls his oversized shirt up over his belly, bunching it atop of the bump.

The omega nods in understanding as the doctor rolls his stool up to the side of the exam table. He places a drape over Jisung's lap and squeezes the gel onto his skin. This process is something they've done a handful of times now but Jisung still flinches when the cold gel is smeared across his belly.

It doesn't take long for his daughter to come into view. He's not entirely sure what he's looking at. She's gotten much bigger and it's harder to get a clear image of her whole body nowadays. Dr. Choi moves the probe around more and Jisung finally recognizes that he's looking at the side profile of his daughter's face.

It might just be in his head, but he thinks her profile resembles Minho's a lot. He's seen Minho from the side quite a bit at this point and he's familiar enough with it to think he could recognize the similarities. Their daughter's nose resembles Minho's, as Jisung's curves down a bit more and the tip isn't as prominent as the alpha's. Her top lip also seems heavier, like Minho's. Of course, her face will probably change a lot when she's no longer surrounded by amniotic fluid, but for the moment, it's very obvious who her alpha dad is.

Minho actually couldn't make it to this appointment again. He couldn't get off of work, but Jisung doesn't mind and will be able to show him the pictures when Minho gets off. Though, Minho will probably be a little sour that he missed it regardless.

"She is still looking healthy and her measurements are good. She's almost 34 cm from crown to rump. How have you been feeling?" Dr. Choi asks after they give her heart a listen. He hands Jisung a tissue to wipe the gel off of his belly with.

"I'm okay. I'm still really constipated, and for the most part, feeling the same; tired, moody, achy, all that good stuff." Jisung responds as he sits up and pulls his shirt down again.

"Any dizziness or headaches, made worse when standing up quickly?" Dr. Choi asks and Jisung furrows his eyebrows at the oddly specific question. "I'm only asking because I was looking over your bloodwork and your red-blood cell count was low, as well as your iron levels. So that means you have iron-deficiency anemia, which is a short way of saying... you're most likely having trouble absorbing enough iron to keep up with blood production that increases with pregnancy. It's not severe enough to cause me great concern, but I would like to start you on iron and vitamin C supplements. The vitamin C helps you absorb the iron better." The doctor explains thoroughly and Jisung nods attentively.

"Will that affect my baby though? Me having anemia and all?" The omega asks with his tone portraying hints of worry.

"Most likely she will be completely fine once you start taking the supplementary iron. The majority of cases of iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy still result in perfectly healthy babies, and this condition is extremely common. Only in severe cases would I be overly concerned for complications, but you are otherwise healthy so I'm confident with the supplements, everything will be fine." Dr. Choi explains and Jisung sighs in relief.

"Okay, so I just need to take the supplements and that's it?" Jisung asks and Dr. Choi hums with a calm nod.

"Yes, your iron levels will improve, as well as red blood cell production. If you feel so inclined, you can even look up a list of iron-rich foods and try to incorporate those in your diet more. Two I can remember from the top of my head are prunes and red meat, but there are lots" he explains and Jisung nods. "Oh, I'm also going to prescribe you stool softeners to try to get your digestion moving again since poor digestion exacerbates anemia in most cases." The older man continues, "Do you have any concerns you wanted to address with me? Your urine and bloodwork were fine otherwise."

What to Expect When Expecting in an Omegaverse: MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now