Motion Sickness.

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The weeks are flying by and Jisung has a little more than a month left until his due date. It's the middle of May now and it's uncomfortable for Jisung to be outside due to the warm weather. It's unfortunately not even that hot, and before he was pregnant he really enjoyed the months of April all the way to July. July is his favorite month. He likes the sound of the rain and it's the peak of the wet monsoon season in Seoul. It's strange to think that he'll have a daughter come the rainy weather.

He won't get to hang out with his friends in the warm weather like he used to, for quite sometime. He already feels like he can't find time to spend with anyone but Minho, and occasionally Felix, and he knows that he definitely can't once the baby arrives. The main reason for this is because he's kind of lazy. Leaving the house for anything other than food has never been one of his favorite pastimes, and he really only ever did it because Changbin and Chan wanted him to. The two alphas don't invite him out anymore though.

Jisung can't lie and say it's not kind of nice. No one really expects anything of him now that he's so far along in his pregnancy. If anything, people actually expect less of him than they ever have in his life. They just tell him to get some rest or to take it easy. Strangers hold doors open for him and move from their seats on the bus when they see him approaching. He would say he's living life on easy mode if it weren't for how uncomfortable he is all the time. The cons of being pregnant outweigh the pros for him, but for other people it might actually be worth it. He's probably supposed to say "it's all worth it in the end" since he gets a baby out of it and all that. If he's being honest though, he didn't even ask for the baby so it cancels out, right?

Whether it cancels out or not, it's a fact that people treat him different now. That is, expect for Changbin.

"You guys are so slow. Come on" Changbin calls back to Felix and Jisung. The alpha is pushing around a stroller with an absolute unit of a unicorn diaper bag in it, and he still manages to keep up a decent pace. He's even keeping up with his toddler that recently learned to run, and as a result, won't stop until she falls. Falling doesn't even seem to stop her though because she simply gets back up and starts running again.

"Shut up, hyung. Don't piss me off." Jisung grumbles as Felix chuckles.

"Appa, you better be watching her! Stop worrying about how fast we're going and keep an eye on my daughter" Felix calls back to Changbin. The alpha waves a dismissive hand in the freckled omega's direction and Felix rolls his eyes.

The group are at the zoo in Seoul Grand Park and Nabi is especially excited about all of the new sights. She calls every animal she sees either dog or cat, but it seems like she's enjoying herself. Hyunjin keeps stopping every two seconds to take pictures so he's lagging behind the rest of the group, but Felix and Jisung have kept a steady pace with each other.

"Appa? You're calling Changbin-hyung that now? God I hate what having children does to people." Jisung jokes with a shake of his head and a playful smile.

"She keeps calling him hyung, so I have to call him Appa when she's around. Trust me, I wouldn't do this if I didn't absolutely have to." Felix sighs before cracking a grin, "She's started calling Changbin's mom hyung now too, which makes me think she does it because she likes how everyone reacts" he giggles as he recalls the reactions Nabi gets when she calls everyone "hyung".

"She's too smart for her own good" Jisung says as Felix pauses to look at the exhibit that Changbin and Nabi stopped to look at.

"Look, Nana-ya! It's a red panda, can you see it?" Changbin exclaims to the pup as he lifts her up to sit on his hip. The alpha points at the leafy exhibit to show Nabi.

"It smells so bad here" Felix mumbles and Jisung laughs because he was thinking the same thing.

They walk around a little more before Jisung starts to get tired. It's agreed they should all ride the Elephant Train together so the pregnant omega can take a break. Nabi sits in Felix's lap next to Hyunjin. Changbin and Jisung are sitting together in front of them. It's nice to sit down since they'd been walking around for almost an hour, and the gentle breeze from the moving train was also nice.

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