Road Trip.

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Nabi's birthday comes on a Thursday, Halloween. Jisung leaves work two hours early so that he could ride to the beach with Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin, and the birthday girl. The ride to Wangsan Beach is only about an hour long. He's sitting in the front passenger's seat, Felix and Hyunjin are on either side of Nabi's carseat in the backseats, and Changbin is driving.

About fifteen minutes into the ride, and about thirty seconds into their third listen to the Three Bears song, Jisung feels like he might just die. His head is throbbing and he feels like he's going to puke. Not to mention, he has to pee really badly, but he doesn't want to ask Changbin to make a stop since they'd practically just gotten on the road.

"Oh! Nabi-ya, look at this mess" Felix yelps making Jisung turn around to see what happened. "Hyung, can we stop? She just spilt her juice pouch everywhere." The omega says as he tries to dab up the mess that he can reach with baby wipes.

"We just got on the road though, is it in her seat?" Changbin questions and Jisung almost wants to plead that the alpha just stop. Of course, Jisung would love for Nabi to not be sticky and wet, but he also just wants to run behind a tree and piss while they help their baby.

"It's everywhere. On your suede seats too." Felix responds and that's all Changbin needs to hear before he's locating the nearest rest-stop and pulling over. As soon as the car stops, Jisung is jumping out of the car and all but running into the nearest restroom.

He's really hoping that this won't be a recurrent problem for the next more than half hour left of this drive. He kind of doubts it won't be though, because within the last week his bladder has shrank to the size of a pea. Being pregnant sucks, but going to the restroom every thirty or so minutes isn't the worst thing. He's sure he can hold it until they get to the beach. It's just the nausea that's actually kicking his ass right about now. He really doesn't know how long he'll be able to hold out in the car, especially not listening to children's music the whole time.

The omega comes back out from the restroom to see Felix has changed Nabi's outfit and Changbin is wiping out his backseat. Hyunjin is standing next to and talking to Changbin about something while Felix is allowing Nabi to toddle around and stretch her little legs.

"Are we not getting back on the road?" Jisung asks Felix as he approaches the other omega.

"Eh, I guess not right this second. Changbin-hyung is trying to get the juice stain out of his seats. Hyunjin- I don't know what Hyunjin is doing, actually. He's probably spilling some serious knowledge about stain removal or something." Felix giggles to himself as he keeps a close eye on his daughter.

The one-year old starts to wander a little too far away from the car, so the brunette walks out to her. Jisung watches Felix grab her little hand in his as he speaks to her with a gentle smile and guides her back to the car. There's a strange feeling in Jisung's chest as he watches them, but he swallows it down and tucks it away. He doesn't want to think about what the feeling may mean.

They get back on the road, and thankfully, Jisung's headache subsided after some fresh air. Even though Changbin is still playing children's music for the bulk of the ride, it's a lot more tolerable without the throbbing in Jisung's skull.

By the time they arrive at the beach Jisung does have to pee again, but he holds it so that he'll be able to see where everyone is setting up before he goes. Changbin walks ahead with Nabi and the rest hang back at the car for a bit to gather their things.

"Hyung! Don't hold her like that!" Felix scolds the alpha who is carrying their daughter by her shirt as if she were a duffel bag.

"Why? Look at her, she's loving it!" Changbin yells back with a laugh. The toddler squeals and giggles as she's toted around. Felix frowns and looks at Hyunjin, who just shrugs with a chuckle.

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