Calling Under the Influence (CUI).

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Very light mentions of abortion again in this part, but it's honestly pretty brief. Still, I just wanted to mention that. I also want to warn any readers that are triggered by this topic, that it will be mentioned pretty consistently throughout the next few chapters. I'm not sure how many yet, but just a forewarning.

It's been a little less than two weeks since Jisung learned that he's pregnant by Minho. The omega hasn't spoken to said alpha since he unceremoniously ushered him out of his home directly after his heat. Jisung hasn't reached out to him, even though he thinks about it everyday. He knows he has to tell Minho, even if he's decided to go through with terminating. It doesn't feel right for him to not tell the older that they'd created a life- even if by accident.

The main thing stopping him is- well, fear. What if Minho wants to keep it and gets angry at Jisung for wanting to abort? He shouldn't care how Minho feels about his decision, right? It's his body after all, and Minho wouldn't have to go through months of pregnancy and hours of labor. Then, once the kid is actually here, there's no guarantee that Minho would even be around to help out with it. Jisung would be left on his own to figure out how to take care of a newborn, and he would be the one left to give up any semblance of his old life for a kid he doesn't even want.

Then again, what person in their right mind would ask *essentially* some random person they have sex with on occasion to have a baby with them? Why would Minho even want that with Jisung? They're not a couple, and honestly, they're barely even friends. Jisung doesn't know what Minho sees his life like in the future and if having an unplanned baby would ruin all of that for him. All Jisung knows is that, having a child this soon isn't how he himself pictures his life. He honestly never even imagined himself with a child at all, but he used to tell himself that someday he might. Definitely not now though.

Recently, Jisung has started to get really tired quite early- or atleast early for him. He usually goes to sleep around 3 AM, sometimes 1 if he's especially drained from the day. However, over the past couple of days he's been really fatigued and just wants to sleep as soon as he gets home from work. That's how he finds himself snoring away on the couch, having fallen asleep hours ago because he was too exhausted to go to his bed.

It's because of this that he's so out of it when his phone rings. He feels around for his phone that rings loudly and obnoxiously, without ever opening his eyes. He doesn't know what time it is but he simply cracks an eye open to slide to answer the call and presses the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Jisung answers with his voice deep and gruff from being asleep moments ago. He hears shuffling on the other end of the line before a familiar voice shakes him from his dazed state.

"Hi..." Minho responds slowly and the omega is sitting up straight at the sound. "Are- were you asleep?" The alpha asks and he sounds tired, his voice is slow and quiet.

"Uh, yeah... I was." Jisung replies awkwardly. He has half the mind to hang up and pretend the call dropped or something. Anything to escape the ball of anxiety in his chest. He wasn't ready to speak to Minho yet, and he feels completely caught off guard.

"Okay, um, I'm sorry... For waking you and for making things weird. Ugh, I don't know." Minho apologizes and Jisung finally notices the slur in his words. Either Minho is extremely tired or he's been drinking. Jisung doesn't reply for a moment, and that prompts Minho to continue. "Today was my birthday. Not that you'd care, I know you don't care... I just- I don't know. I don't know why I called you. I drank too much." The alpha confirms Jisung's suspicions and the omega sighs in response.

"Then you need to go home and go to bed, hyung... and I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. I've been... I've been busy." Jisung tells him quietly. He's not sure what time it even is but if Minho says he drank too much, then he should probably go home.

"Yeah, I'm home. I'm sitting on the kitchen floor." The older responds, "I'm horny" he adds and Jisung's stomach flips with an indescribable feeling of upset.

"Okay... I'm going to go then, so you can go to b-" Jisung tries to quickly end the call to escape the awkwardness but Minho is stopping him.

"No! I- I'm sorry. I don't mean it like that. I- I like you for more than your body. I think you're really cool, Jisung. You have a really fun personality and I like being around you. I-I'm pretty sure that's why I called you... to talk to you and to- I don't know." Minho seems pretty out of it and he just keeps rambling. It does seem like there's something that he wants to say to Jisung, but the younger doesn't feel too keen on staying on the phone to find out what it is.

"I think you need to go to sleep, hyung. We can talk... later, when you're sober." The omega shuts Minho down, and the older doesn't say anything in reply. "I'm going to hang up now... I hope you get some sleep, hyung." Jisung ends the call.

He gets a glance at the time when the call ends. It's almost 2 in the morning. He has a sickly sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and he just feels... bad. Like he'd lied to Minho just then. He had the opportunity to tell him, but he didn't. Minho was drunk anyways, it wasn't a good time to tell him something like that.

Though, something else in Jisung stirs and makes him feel worse. Minho sounded sad? Maybe even lonely? He did forget Minho's birthday... He might just be projecting his guilt onto the older and that's what he's feeling. Minho is fine and he's not Jisung's responsibility. What did he want to talk to Jisung about anyways...?

The next morning Jisung has a message from Minho.

Lee Minho (5:37AM): Hey, sorry about that call last night. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Not sure why I did that haha

Lee Minho (5:41AM): I went out for drinks with my co-workers and was honestly just way too drunk. Won't happen again. Sorry.

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